
The culture method of mackerel

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The culture method of mackerel

The herbivore, which belongs to deer, is a common wild animal in northern China, because its economic value is very high. It has led to a large number of overfishing and a sharp decline in the number, which has now been listed as a national protected animal. However, artificial breeding can still be carried out, and like deer, the whole body is covered with treasure. So as a new aquaculture project, how should we breed? Today, the editor brought the artificial breeding method of razor clam, let's have a look!

1. Choose a place to build a house

Yuzi is very timid and can not be frightened, so when we choose a breeding site, we should choose places far away from urban areas, factories and other noisy and noisy places. And try to build the house in a high-lying, flat and dry place, with strong permeability, plenty of sunshine and good drainage and irrigation system. The breeding farm should have a lounge and a sports ground, and the breeding density of oysters should be controlled according to the area of the farm. Do a good job in all kinds of anti-escape facilities in the farm, set up enough daily appliances, and plant some trees outside the fence to provide shade.

2. Feed selection

The eating habits of oysters are miscellaneous, and they like all kinds of forage, such as leaves and weeds, all kinds of melons and fruits, etc. The digestion of roughage is better, so when we put into the feed, we can increase the proportion of coarse feeding, reduce fine feeding and reduce the cost of feed. However, it is necessary to pay attention not to feed wet feed, otherwise it will lead to physiological phenomena such as diarrhea. It is necessary to increase the amount of feed with more protein content in the stage of mating-lactation according to the preparation of different feeds in the growth stage of oysters. And the young roe deer will eat soil within a week, so it is necessary to put clean soil in the roe house for them to eat.

3. Feed feeding

Feeding mackerel needs to be fed on a regular basis, because it is a hoof-shaped animal that needs to eat frequently to supplement the nutrients needed for growth. Therefore, the number of times we feed should not be less than 3 times a day, and the time of feeding every day should be controlled at the same time as far as possible, so as to form the habit of eating regularly. Can enhance the meat quality of razor, promote growth, although eat frequently, but each time the quantity is very small. The amount of feeding should not be too much to prevent abdominal distension, gastroenteritis and other problems. At the same time of feeding, it is also necessary to keep water in the sink at all times to ensure that oysters can drink water at any time and control the temperature of the water, especially not to feed cold water in winter.

4. Disease control

The disease resistance of Fructus Scutellariae is strong, and the incidence rate is relatively low, but there will be some diseases if it is not well managed. Therefore, if we want to further reduce the incidence, we should do a good job in daily management, clean the house regularly every day, and clear the feces out of the house in time. Then disinfect the house regularly. Remove the food residue every day and clean the household utensils. Timely detection of the disease of roe deer, examination and symptomatic treatment.

The above is the breeding method of mackerel, and it is necessary to obtain a "wild animal breeding license" from the local forestry department before artificial breeding can be carried out. Because now the state has promulgated a law to prohibit the private hunting and sale of wild oysters. However, the market demand has not declined at all, so the prospect of razor fish breeding is still relatively good. This article is for reference only. I hope it will be helpful to you.