
Phalaenopsis varieties White Phalaenopsis Care, White Phalaenopsis characteristic Price

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The flower shape and color of the large white butterfly orchid is the naming way of this kind of orchid, its flower shape is very similar to the butterfly, so it belongs to the species of Phalaenopsis, its design and color is white, there are no other colors, so its name is Phalaenopsis. It is also called Baihua.

The flower shape and color of the large white butterfly orchid is the naming way of this kind of orchid, its flower shape is very similar to the butterfly, so it belongs to the species of Phalaenopsis, its design and color is white, there are no other colors, so its name is Phalaenopsis. It is also called Phalaenopsis, which can be divided into small and large ones. Only the lips are white, but with yellow markings and reddish-brown spots. The overall impression is that it is pure and dignified.

Its sturdy plant, with long arched pedicels and neatly arranged flowers with 10 to 20 flowers, is now one of the favorite orchid varieties. Its price is between 100 yuan and 200 yuan.

The large white butterfly orchid likes to grow in a warm climate and is not resistant to cold. The most suitable temperature for growth is about 15-20 ℃. Growth will stop when it is lower than 10 ℃ in winter, and death can be caused by less than 5 ℃. The physiological structure of Phalaenopsis is protected from the influence of stress in low humidity environment, but it is easy to cause disease in too humid and high temperature environment, so Phalaenopsis should keep appropriate humidity in order to grow healthily.