
Must see | develop longevity to become a giant flower ball in three steps like me.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, After summer, the longevity of many flower friends' families has changed: it starts with a small flower ball, and when it grows, it becomes a long neck. In fact, longevity is also a kind of succulent, very easy to grow in vain, if you ignore it, it is difficult to blossom. Now.

After summer, the longevity of many flower friends 'families has changed: when they start, they are small flower balls, and when they grow, they become long necks. In fact, longevity is also a kind of meat, very easy to grow, if you ignore it, it is difficult to bloom again. Now follow the flower, 3 moves will restore the flower ball shape


Tip 1: Cut your hair, cut your hair

After the longevity flower overgrows, the first step is to prune it. As with more meat, longevity is also the faster the cut, do not heartache, pick up the scissors!

1. Trimming rules: cut off all new branches

The new branches emerging from the long life are very thin and weak, and the nutrition is not enough to bloom, so they should be cut off. Flower friends are optimistic about the position of pruning, generally cut off the newly grown 3-5 cm on the line.

2. Supplement phosphorus and potassium fertilizer after pruning

After pruning to add some fertilizer, in order to grow fat, but do not add nitrogen fertilizer, it is easy to grow again. Sprinkle some broken eggshells in the basin, which can act as phosphate fertilizer; sprinkle some broken bones and bone powder, which can act as potassium fertilizer.

3. Cut down the branches and cut them again

Don't lose the flowers you prune. It's just right to cut them. Find some small pots, plastic cups are OK, get some granular soil, sand, after pouring thoroughly, insert the longevity flower branch, put in a cool and ventilated place, 1-2 weeks to take root.

Trick 2: Light Control

Summer longevity can not bask in the sun, so it will be long, now the temperature is right, it is a good time to bask in the sun oh, do not miss it.

1, autumn to, more than 4 hours of light a day

Longevity actually quite like the sun, in addition to the summer sun, spring and autumn best to maintain at least 4 hours of light a day, so as to avoid excessive growth, flowering color is also bright.

2. No light, fill light

If you don't have enough sunshine at home, you still need fill light for flower cultivation. You can find it on a treasure. Open the flower and sun it is an effect. It will be good for 4-6 hours a day.

Trick 3: Water Control

The stronger the longevity of flowers, the thicker the branches will be, thick branches have strong water storage capacity, and if the water is large, it is easy to grow thin branches. If you want the branches to get fat, you need to control the water.

1. Dry and pour thoroughly

Do not think that summer has passed, you can unscrupulously water longevity, longevity their own water storage function is very strong, to insist on dry soil and then water thoroughly, water poured in, see the bottom of the flowerpot water outflow for watering thoroughly.

2. Keep ventilation

Water poured, there is ventilation, if not ventilation nine out of ten will rot again. The balcony, windowsill, corridor of the home is the place that compares ventilated, do not work really, put on taller ambry also OK.

Bonus 1 move: longevity and flower promotion method

See to the longevity of flowering, do not know your family's longevity ready? Huahua will give you another way to urge flowers. I hope there will be more flowers this year ~

1. Set of black bags

Although it is autumn, the night is still relatively long. The longevity flowers that have been exposed to the sun during the day can be covered with black plastic bags in the evening. Just don't tie them. Simulate short days to rush flowers, and when the buds come out, you don't have to do it anymore.

2. Spray some flower accelerator

Many flower friends know that potassium dihydrogen phosphate can accelerate flowering. Spray it on the leaves after diluting according to the instructions. Spray once a week to accelerate flowering. In addition to spraying, you can also pour some cooked rice washing water, peel water and the like, and supplement nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer can also promote flowers ~

Have the flower friends learned it after reading it?

A long-lived family.

Put it away.

Don't miss it.

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