
Six kinds of plants are very fond of being raised in water. The leaves and green roots are flourishing in the water, which is suitable for new hands.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, With the improvement and improvement of people's living standards, more and more flower lovers like to raise all kinds of green potted plants at home, which can not only purify the air, but also beautify the environment. To raise some flowers and plants for the family, you can also give up the family.

With the improvement and improvement of people's living standards, more and more flower lovers like to raise all kinds of green potted plants at home, which can not only purify the air, but also beautify the environment. Raising some flowers and plants for the family can also make the home warm and natural, which is of great benefit to the health of the family.

Of course, raising different flowers should also be tailored to local conditions and vary from person to person. Many netizens will encounter green potted plants that they can not raise, often because they do not understand the growth habits of flowers, or because they water flowers too much, too little, and lack of daylighting. But today, I would like to share with you six kinds of common water-loving plants. You can raise them directly in water. As long as you add water, you can make the plant grow thick and strong, and you don't have to worry about raising it to death. So the theme I share with you today is:

Six kinds of plants are super "fond" of water and are raised in water with "green leaves and green roots", which are suitable for beginners.

Tongqian grass

Copper money grass is a very good plant, raised at home means to attract wealth and treasure, not only good meaning, and copper money grass is very easy to raise, generally as long as find a root branch inserted in the water, you can live a long time.

In the daily maintenance of copper money grass, you can directly carry out water culture, cut the branches of copper money grass directly into the bottle with water, as long as change the water once a week, choose the tap water that has been dried, and then put it in the living room or balcony where there is scattered light, and drop 1-2 drops of nutrient solution in the bottle every month, so that you can grow green and luxuriant. In the daily maintenance process, you don't have to worry about too much or too little watering, just make sure there is water in the bottle.

Bowl lotus

Bowl lotus is a kind of plant that likes water very much, and it is usually raised in water, but in order to ensure that the plant can grow thickly and healthily, it is generally necessary to put some soil on the bottom of the basin, and then add water. Many people like to plant a small bowl of lotus at home, which is very beautiful and elegant when it blossoms in summer.

Generally, when raising a bowl of lotus at home, as long as the water is changed every 2-3 weeks, the water quality is clean. Then add nitrogen fertilizer to the flowerpot every spring and autumn, and you can choose to drop 1-2 drops of nutrient solution into the pot each time you change the water. There is a tip to remind everyone, when maintaining bowl lotus, choose opaque, opaque flowerpots, so that water wool will not be produced in the basin to ensure that the water quality is clear.

Green pineapple

Green pineapple is a very popular family potted plant. Raising it at home can not only green the environment, but also absorb formaldehyde to purify the air. Generally, green pineapple can be cultivated in soil or hydroponic culture at home.

The method of hydroponic cultivation of green pineapple is very simple. After cutting off the sturdy green pineapple branches, the bottom leaves are trimmed off and cut directly into the clear water. The root system can grow in about a week. In the daily maintenance of green pineapple, as long as the water is changed every 1-2 weeks. Then drop 1 drop of nutrient solution into the bottle of water every month or add 3-5 grains of quick-acting compound fertilizer to contribute to the growth of green pineapple.

Hanging orchid

Flower friends who have raised hanging orchids all know that hanging orchids have very strong fleshy roots, which can be cultivated in soil and hydroponics in general. Putting them at home is not only good-looking but also easy to take care of.

The method of hydroponic hanging orchid is very simple, wait until the new bud comes out, then cut the new bud, insert it directly into the water, you can grow white root system, put the potted orchid in the indoor balcony or living room, there is scattered light, it will make the leaves green and strong.


It is now a cool autumn, and it is also the season for many hyacinths to appear on the market. Generally, hyacinths can be raised in the water or in the soil. Now they choose to plant hyacinths so that they can bloom beautifully at the beginning of winter.

General breeding hyacinth, will choose a clean glass flask, keep hyacinth in clean water, can grow white roots, send out green leaves. Put the plant on the warm balcony, you can grow very well. Generally speaking, when you need to change water every week before winter, add a drop of nutrient solution to the bottle to speed up the plant growth.

Rich bamboo

Rich bamboo is a very popular family flower, which has the meaning of auspiciousness and wealth at home. Most rich bamboo is placed in the living room or porch at home through hydroponics.

The method of hydroponic culture of rich bamboo is very simple. Cut the root of the rootless bamboo by 45 degrees, soak it in 0.2% rooting powder solution for 10 minutes, then take it out and insert it directly into a vase. The rich bamboo can grow white roots in about ten days. In the process of later maintenance, you need to change water for the rich bamboo every 1-2 weeks, and you can add 1 drop of nutrient solution each time. It helps the plant to grow green leaves.

These six kinds of common hydroponic flowers are raised at home and can survive by adding water. The breeding method is very simple, and it is very convenient to take care of it.

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I am a stone gardener. I will share a little knowledge of growing flowers every day. Remember to follow me.