
The repair of the house almost cost 4180 yuan to sell a yellow poplar tree, brother Yang: it was a pure act of helplessness.

Published: 2024-09-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/07, Repair the house almost cement money, 4180 yuan sold a boxwood, Yang Erge: pure helplessness! Brother Yang is a hard-working man in our group. Although he has not read books for several years, he can bear hardships and learn with his own diligence.

Repair the house almost cement money, 4180 yuan sold a boxwood, Yang Erge: pure helplessness!

Brother Yang is a hard-working man in our group. Although he has not studied for a few years, he has learned to build walls, paint and carpentry because of his hard work and ability to bear hardships. Therefore, the couple have been working in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province a few years ago, and they can earn tens of thousands of dollars a year.

As a result, I plan to repair the house at home this year. On the one hand, my parents are more than 70 years old and still live in the tiled house they used to build. They are worried about their health and safety all the year round. Build a new house for two old people to live in. Second, his first child is about to go to primary school, or he intends to let him go to school in his hometown in the countryside.

If you don't know how to build a house, you have to use money to buy everything. The house they built, just fixing the frame of the house, spent the couple's savings over the past few years and borrowed some from relatives and friends to make it up. But in the end, the painting was done by myself, and it was still thousands less, so I was a little embarrassed to borrow it from others.

When he was in a very difficult time, he was introduced by a friend that he had yellow poplar piles and could sell them for money. he thought about it for a moment and decided to sell one of them. finally, he sold one for 4180 yuan, which could finally be used to buy some cement for wall painting.

It turns out that when I was young, I liked flowers and tree stumps very much. as long as I saw a family with things like boxwood, I would brazenly ask for one or two, or others would prune larger branches that they didn't want, and cut them themselves. when you get older, you'll do coiling and reshaping yourself. Because I didn't care about such things, when I was young, it was just a hobby of my own, and I didn't know it had such an effect today.

Although I sold this poplar stump, I was still a little reluctant to give up, he said. It was a helpless move! After decorating the new house, I still have to go out and work hard for a few years. First, I earn it and return it to my relatives and friends. As the saying goes, it is easy to borrow and return, and it is not difficult to borrow it again. This is very reasonable. The second is to earn something to buy food and clothing for the elderly. After all, it is not easy for the elderly to raise themselves. As the saying goes, salt and rice is expensive only when you are in charge, and only when you raise children do you know the kindness of your parents. Yes, it is very correct to have such an idea. As long as you work hard and don't spend money indiscriminately, life will be better, don't you think?