
Must-see | Anthurium andraeanum and White Palm have been mutated by him, and the flower blossoms and slaps are as bright as wax.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Red palm and white palm are very popular flowers. They not only have a good meaning, but also blossom diligently and have a long flowering period. They are really necessary flowers in the family. Don't worry that you can't raise it well. Huahua will teach you how to make them into drops of oil and flowers.

Red palm and white palm are very popular flowers. They not only have a good meaning, but also blossom diligently and have a long flowering period. They are really necessary flowers in the family. Don't worry that you can't raise it well. Huahua will teach you how to make them into drops of oil and flowers as big as cakes!

Flower friend @ mainland Alishan likes Anthurium andraeanum very much. There are several Anthurium andraeanum trees at home. Recently, Anthurium andraeanum blossomed one after another, and he found that one of them had even mutated. The flower was bigger than the slap.

The edge of the petal has turned green, which is almost the same as the leaf. No, by comparison, it is bigger than the leaf.

Huahua has heard many flower friends complain that Anthurium andraeanum and white palm do not blossom at home, not to mention how to raise them. Hurry up and learn two tricks!

Anthurium andraeanum

Anthurium andraeanum means:

Grand plans, prosperity, but also enthusiasm, the meaning of luck. Such a good moral, whether it is domestication or giving it away is excellent!

Anthurium andraeanum habits:

Anthurium likes a warm and humid environment. Anthurium andraeanum is blessed in the south, and flower friends in the north should not be discouraged. If you put it indoors in winter, you can survive the winter safely. It likes to bask in the sun more than white palm, and the more it basks in, the more red it becomes.

Anthurium andraeanum blossom continuously:

1. Pour liquid fertilizer frequently

Anthurium andraeanum has a long flowering period and needs a lot of nutrients, but it is weak in absorption and should be thin and fertilized diligently. Pour some soaked rice water and milk water before flowering. Stop when blooming, and then add some fertilizer and water, urea fertilizer and so on.

2. Keep plenty of light

In addition to the high temperature can not be exposed to the sun in summer, Anthurium andraeanum is still very sun-resistant, maintaining more than 4 hours of light every day, the red palm flowers bloom faster, bigger and brighter. But once it blossoms, it is necessary to reduce the light to prevent the flowers from changing color and withering too quickly.

3. Water control at flowering stage

Anthurium andraeanum may blossom as long as the temperature is 15-25 degrees. At this time, be careful not to water too much, it will not only affect the flowering, but also make the flowers smaller. At this time, sooner or later, wipe the leaves of Anthurium andraeanum with beer, or spray some water mist around Anthurium andraeanum to moisturize and promote flowers.

White palm

The implication of white palm:

Plain sailing, everything goes well, and white palm fresh and elegant temperament consistent, white palm is not only a good sign, but also edify the body and mind.

White palm habits:

White palm also likes a warm and humid environment, but unlike Anthurium andraeanum, it doesn't like to bask in the sun so much. It's best to keep it on a semi-shady windowsill and north balcony to avoid direct sun exposure.

The way to keep blooming white palm flowers:

1. Add iron and phosphate fertilizer regularly

White palm does not like basking in the sun, so it is easy to become yellow and malnourished due to iron deficiency. Prepare 2-3 iron nails, soak a bottle of iron nail water and water it once a month. You can also spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate once a week to swish the flowers.

2. Keep it ventilated, neither rotten nor yellow

White palm is weaker than red palm. If there is more water, it is easy to be yellow and rotten. Flower friends with permissible conditions had better put it on the windowsill or balcony (where the sun is not in direct sunlight). There is really no way to put it on a high stool, which is much more ventilated than directly on the ground.

3. It's cool to change the basin.

White palm multiplies quickly, if it is too crowded, it will not blossom, so when the temperature is about 23 degrees, you can change the pot for the ramet, not only one pot becomes more than one pot, but it can blossom in the same month after taking the basin!

Have your red palm and white palm blossomed?

Now is a good time to operate.

Quickly hide it.

Let them open from autumn to winter.

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The name of the plant (eg a fortune tree)

Check the culture method

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