
Practical | now quickly insert these three kinds of flowers, easy to take root and survive quickly without black rot.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The best cutting season has come, after a summer of high temperature, flower friends should work up! Now almost what to do, today Huahua specially chose some flowers that are easy to take root, survive quickly, and have no "black rot" for your reference.

The best cutting season has come, after a summer of high temperature, flower friends should work up! Today, Huahua specially chooses some flowers that are easy to take root, survive quickly, and have no "black rot" for your reference.


Speaking of jasmine, it is definitely Huahua's heart to love flowers, Huahua most like to see jasmine small bones blooming delicate appearance, and then we begin to cuttage!

1. Intercept cuttings

Because the survival rate of the old branch is relatively low, it is best to choose the new branch of the year.

The bottom of the branch should be cut into an oblique mouth, and one piece on each side of the leaf can be left, which can reduce the evaporation of water and eventually cut off the twig.


The length is about ten to fifteen centimeters.

two。 Cutting branch

Next, we need to insert the intercepted cuttings into the soil and sand. The soil must choose some slightly acidic sandy soil that is loose, permeable and permeable.

In order to avoid damage to the skin of flower branches during cutting, flower friends can use a pole to make a hole in the soil.

When cutting, you should pay attention to straighten the branches and press the surrounding soil with your fingers so that the branches will not be loose!

After it is finished, put it in a place of shelter and ventilation, it will take root in about a month, and it will take root in about two months!

3. Matters needing attention

Huahua should remind flower friends not to shine in bright light before taking root, and do not rush to fertilize. Move back indoors in time on rainy days, and avoid watering Rain Water.

Purple Xuanyue

Purple Xuanyue is a kind of succulent orchid, and many flower lovers like its fat and thick leaves.

Once you meet the sun, its green leaves will turn fuchsia, which is magical, and now is a good time for cutting.

1. Intercept cuttings

The rooting ability of Zixuanyue is super fast, and there are generally two ways of propagation: cutting and ramet, but the survival rate of cutting is the highest.

To cut a branch on a healthy purple moon, it is best to choose a full mesophyll cut, which can be inserted into the soil after the wound of the branch is naturally dried. Then spray some water on its surface and soil surface to moisten it.

two。 Matters needing attention

Flower friends should note that the leaves of Zixuanyue alone cannot be propagated, and they need to have both stems and leaves in order to cuttage.

Don't let its soil suddenly dry, be sure to water it reasonably.

Triangular plum

The best cutting season for triangular plum is spring and autumn. Today Huahua borrows Huayou @ hfy1981 to introduce in detail how to cut triangular plum.

1. Prepare the cuttings.

Coconut bran and perlite were used as cutting material of triangulated plum.

Prepare some disposable plastic cups and be sure to pierce a few holes to facilitate leakage.

Fill up with plant materials and prepare for the work.

Dilute potassium permanganate, pour it into a cup to clean the plant, disinfect the plant, and prevent the growth of bacteria from affecting the root development.

two。 Cutting process

Prepare semi-lignified branches and cut off some leaves.

Put the branches inserted into the soil on the cover of the foam box, lift them open and let the branches breathe for 10 to 20 minutes every day, and spray a little water three or four days. It will take root in a month or two.

3. Transplanting seedlings

Choose some loose and breathable soil to spray moisture, put into the flowerpot, and then remove the whole cutting soil from the original cup.

Put it directly into the flowerpot, gently press the soil on both sides, then continue to put the flowerpot into the incubator, slow the seedling for about two weeks and get out of the box.

4. Matters needing attention

Just out of the box of seedlings do not rush to bask in the sun, slow seedlings in a ventilated place after a week can be normal maintenance!

I hope the flower friends will continue to enjoy

The process of planting flowers and plants

If you have any more questions, remember to leave a message for Huahua.

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The name of the plant (eg a fortune tree)

Check the culture method

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