
Why doesn't the crescent spring dry up in the desert? Where does the water come from? So here's the answer.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Think of the desert will feel very thirsty, the desert can bring disaster, that is, sandstorms, centuries have passed, sandstorms hit many villages, some more severe sandstorms lifted the roof of the house, blowing yellow sand.

When I think of the desert, I feel very thirsty. It can bring disaster, that is, sandstorms. Centuries later, sandstorms have hit many villages. Some of the more severe sandstorms have lifted the roofs of houses and blew yellow sand all over the sky. Bring disasters to people's production and life, but some people yearn for the desert, which is a paradise for explorers. Let's talk about it today. The Crescent Spring, located in the Mingsha Mountain Desert in Dunhuang, has not been covered by wind and sand after each sandstorm.

The Mingsha Mountain Crescent Spring Scenic spot is located 5 kilometers south of Dunhuang City, with a planned area of 212.86 square kilometers, a scenic area of 76.82 square kilometers and a core area of 12.79 square kilometers.

Mingsha Mountain and Crescent Spring are twin sisters in the Gobi Desert. "the mountain sings with spirit, and water benefits with God." There is indeed a sense of "Mingsha Mountain is pleasant, and the crescent moon spring washes the heart".

The Crescent Spring has created a world miracle that has not dried up for hundreds of years, which has attracted many Chinese and foreign tourists to visit. What on earth is the reason why the Crescent Spring will not dry up? Today, let's talk about the crescent spring, which was called a manhole in ancient times. The crescent spring is nearly 100 meters long from north to south and 25 meters wide from east to west. The spring is deep in the east and shallow in the west, and the deepest point is about 5 meters. The crescent spring is shaped like a new moon. It is called the crescent spring locally because of this spectacle, and it is also known as the first spring in the desert. Crescent Spring is covered with yellow sand in all directions, often hit by sandstorms, but Crescent Spring has never been submerged by sandstorms. From the Han Dynasty to modern times, Crescent Spring has been famous as the first spring in the desert and China.

What is the reason why the crescent spring won't dry up?

First: there are eye grass and charophytes growing in the crescent spring, and there are dense reeds on the south bank, surrounded by quicksand, although the spring is not covered by sand in case of strong wind. At the same time, the crescent spring also relies on the continuous replenishment of the underground water system to maintain the continuous upwelling of the spring to form a water cycle.

Second, due to the movement of sand dunes and changes in waterways, they become separate bodies of water. Because of the low terrain, the water that seeps underground is constantly replenished to the spring, making it trickle down and the drought does not dry up.

The northeast is the air intake when the wind blows with the yellow sand, the wind will blow all the yellow sand to the other side, and the crescent spring is not easy to be submerged.

In the mid-1970s, with the local land reclamation and pumping irrigation and the destruction of surrounding vegetation and soil erosion, the water level of Guoya Spring declined rapidly. Nowadays, there are many ways to replenish water artificially in order to maintain the current. Due to the continuous decline of water, "will the crescent spring disappear in the future" has become our concern.