
May each of us be proud of our imperfections

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The brain works with you to listen to the sound of the night! Virgo is undoubtedly the most eye-catching focus of the twelve zodiac signs, picky, cleanliness, helpfulness, modesty and other mixed labels let onlookers love and hate Virgo. We love it.

Brain hands-on

Listen to the sound of the night with you!


Virgo is undoubtedly the focus of attention among the 12 constellations, and the mixed labels such as fastidiousness, cleanliness, helping others and modesty make onlookers love and hate Virgo. We like to use the word "pursuit of perfection" to complain and vaguely praise Virgo.

We like to live with Virgo because their neat and clean character makes the sharing space fresh and organized. Although Virgo pursues perfection, we also tolerate their imperfections, and in order to thank Virgo for their contribution to home life, the editor has sorted out a few home furnishings to make up for the "imperfections" and dedicated them to my favorite fairies!

Q: Virgo is picky and picky

A: then fight against extremes with minimalism

Virgo pursues perfection to a stubborn state, is also very picky about home life, and dirty mess can not appear in their dictionary at all. In order to ease Virgo's extreme mentality, reduce their nitpicking on family details, and make it easier for each other, minimalism may be the best way to capture perfectionism once and for all.

With the most basic shape, the most basic color matching, the most original design presenter, get rid of excessive decoration, will be jumbled into simplified white space, such minimalism is also perfectionism. Using Virgo's lucky gray to create a high-grade gray style of home life is a good choice.

Q: Virgo modesty is also pressure

A: the soft home atmosphere soothes the taut strings

Virgo is delicate and modest, but this excellent character brings them great psychological pressure, afraid of mistakes, afraid of not meeting the requirements, afraid of not being perfect. Although this is also a characteristic that makes Virgo more progressive, the pressure still needs to be alleviated and released, and the daily way is to change the home atmosphere.

CP- lights and music are used to relieve mental stress and get twice the result with half the effort. It is recommended that we use the linkage of intelligent lighting system and intelligent background music system to create a warm and comfortable home atmosphere.

When you feel stressed, adjust the dazzling lights to soft brightness and warm colors, gently say "I want to listen to light music", and the background music will play, or a "I want to practice yoga". You can follow the music while exercising to release the pressure.

In addition, want to have a comfortable and unsuppressed space environment, pay attention to the length of the choice of lighting, too big or hanging too low lighting will give people a sense of pressure, it is best to choose a simple, generous design.

Q: Virgo is born with a lack of confidence

A: regain oneself by using color and idol effect

Although Virgo is clear in thinking and organized in doing things, she is not confident, indecisive and easy to escape from reality when dealing with things that she cares about very much. in the face of this shortcoming, she can rebuild her self-confidence through the influence of some external factors.

Bright colors make people more likely to have confidence and strength, such as bright yellow pillows, green curtains, red water cups, etc., bright home decoration brings lively and happy factors, imperceptibly influence character.

Secondly, you can consider printing photos of your favorite celebrities and stars into decorative paintings and hanging them at home, or even match them with inspiring words, so that your confidence can be found soon.

In addition to the above methods to make up for the weakness of character, Virgo family should cater to preferences to obtain a great sense of satisfaction.

Reality is greater than imagination, tangible is better than invisible.

Virgo is a realistic artist who believes that tangible entities are more meaningful than dreams or fantasies, and they pay more attention to practicality and value in their home life. The heavy feeling of solid wood furniture can make them feel more satisfied, and some decorative decorations will appear superfluous.

Eating and sleeping is bliss.

Virgo enjoys the fun of the table and bed, so the creation of restaurants and bedrooms can highlight creativity and design, of course, do not forget to have a sense of comfort.

We may not be perfect, but we all pursue higher, farther and better. Virgo is a positive representative, from home design to sublimate the quality of life is also a pursuit of perfection, do you think?

Imperfect people are cuter.

Only the imperfect Virgo can experience more.

From the sour and beautiful life

May every one of us with defects

Are proud of imperfections.

-- END--

Everything is wonderful, there is a praise mall in the flower school.

There are flowers and love, a school of flowers