
Duck palm wood, also known as wealth tree, its branches still have this function, do you know?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Duck palm wood, also known as wealth tree, its leaves are green, evergreen, raise a lot of flowers! And the cutting of duck palm wood is also very simple, and it is very easy to survive. Today, I will tell you how to cut duck palm wood. Cutting duck.

Duck palm wood, also known as wealth tree, its leaves are green, evergreen, raise a lot of flowers! And the cutting of duck palm wood is also very simple, and it is very easy to survive. Today, I will tell you how to cut duck palm wood.

The branches used for cutting duck palm wood, be sure to choose those semi-lignified branches, do not choose those newly grown branches that are too tender, because those too tender branches will not take root on your cuttings!

After cutting off the semi-lignified branches, cut them into segments and keep 1 Mel 2 pairs of leaves on each branch.

After the branch is cut short, cut the root diagonally, just like the hydroponic rich bamboo, and then put the cut into the water to soak it for 24 hours, in order to make it absorb enough water, which will be more conducive to rooting!

After preparing the branches for cutting, we can cut, and we can cut duck palm wood directly with river sand cutting. the water permeability and air permeability of river sand are better, so it is very suitable to be used as a cutting plant!

We put the cutting branches directly into the river sand, and then put it in a cool, ventilated astigmatism, pour it thoroughly, usually pay attention to observation, always keep the river sand in a slightly moist state, other do not need to do, usually 20 days or so it will take root! After it takes root, it begins to grow new leaves, and then we gradually bask it in the sun!

In addition, if you find cutting so troublesome, there is a simpler cutting method, that is, water cutting. we insert the trimmed branches of duck palm wood directly into a vase filled with water, and then put it in a cool, ventilated astigmatism place. it usually takes two weeks to take root!

It should be noted that although the water-inserted duck palm wood takes root relatively fast, because the root system cultivated in the water is relatively weak, if we want to transplant, it is best to wait for its root system to grow a little stronger before transplanting!

Cutting duck palm wood is so simple, if there is anything you don't understand in the cutting process, you can leave a message in the comment area!

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