
Moisturizing and moisturizing are used in the wrong way. No wonder it's dry until peeling.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, # provide a little reference for your life purchase # Dear fans, here is the new "Life trivial" column, which will put some "small advertisements" from time to time, involving all aspects of food and clothing, we strive to launch as many as possible.

#A little reference for your life shopping #

Dear powders, here is the new "life trivia" column, will put some "small ads" from time to time, involving all aspects of food and clothing, we strive to launch as much as possible plant daily necessities, hope to give you some reference for life purchase.

Maybe you will find new daily necessities and good things in this column; maybe something you have tried, which means that it is not suitable for you; maybe these things are not enough for you... It doesn't matter, the future is long, and buy and try, in the end, this is just a small thing in life.

{Small Things in Life Vol.051 }

"Yanxi strategy" ended, peony indulged in "Ruyi Biography" unable to extricate themselves, those who said Zhou Xun is not good-looking, must not survive the first five episodes.

Get rid of the bow scarf and braids, the fairy girl Xun Ge Er came back. At 44 years old this year, she was at least ten years younger than her peers. On the one hand, she had the confidence and calmness of an exquisite woman facing the years.

With the same temperament, there are Yu Feihong and Gao Yuanyuan, one is the dream lover of all Wenqing, the other is the national goddess.

Yu Feihong, 47, who is still beautiful and has no friends,

Love reading, love thinking,

Rich spiritual world so that she never feel lonely single.

Gao Yuanyuan, 39, is the national goddess who stands tall and does not fall.

She loves to travel, and while watching the scenery,

While cultivating his inner world.

They always look 25 years old, temperament depends on inner management, enrich the spiritual world, appearance depends on skin management. Gao Yuanyuan once said in an interview that she has attached great importance to skin care since she was a teenager.

Skin is the most exposed age, learn to maintain the skin does not make you immediately young ten years old, but let you ten years later far younger than the beauty and self-confidence of your peers.

Stars skin care methods, inseparable from the mask, Fan Ye 700 a year, Chen Kun 3 a day. Even if their skin care appeals are different, these appeals are based on water-oil balance and stable skin. Only when moisturizing is in place can we pursue other skin care goals more effectively and confidently.

However, stars high-frequency mask is not desirable, peony today to worry about how to apply the mask, how to choose the mask suitable for their own.


Does the mask really work?

An expert on the Internet once said that the skin not only cannot absorb the nutrients in the mask, but also breeds bacteria. EMMM... I guess the experts must not have applied the mask. Of course the mask is useful!

When we apply the mask, the surface of the skin forms a package environment full of moisture, and then the skin is "drinking water"~


How often is it best to apply a mask?

Female stars apply facial masks every day because of their high-density work, and the skin is naturally more damaged than ordinary people.

If your skin condition is not particularly poor, daily mask is a burden. The main role of the mask is to replenish water, apply too frequently, easy to replenish too much, the barrier effect of the stratum corneum will be damaged, so that the skin becomes sensitive.

Therefore, ordinary office workers can apply 2 to 4 times a week according to their skin condition.


How long does it last?

Peony used to wear facial mask to watch drama, accidentally forget the time. Still some friends, look at the essence of the mask, reluctant to waste, so apply to dry.

Mask applied too long, not only did not help, but harmful!

Face mask applied for a long time on the face easy to breed bacteria, and facial bacteria is difficult to clean up. In addition, when the moisture content in the mask is less than the moisture content of the face, the mask starts to absorb moisture from the skin. In short, wasted effort!

In general, the time of applying the mask is best controlled within 15 to 25 minutes.


How to choose the right mask for yourself?

There are probably only two questions in the world that will trouble women: which bag looks better or which mask suits me better?

Light and gentle material

The material and composition of the mask cloth are equally important. A good mask cloth should be at least mild, soft, non-irritating, and there is no pressure on the face.

Secondly, peony will pay special attention to the extensibility of the mask cloth,(because my face is big) only the mask cloth with light texture and good extensibility can perfectly fit the contour of the face ~

Natural precious ingredients

Facial mask ingredients are the key to choosing a facial mask.

Algae extract, ginseng, vitamin E, is a relatively common antioxidant; yeast, fruit acid, rose hip oil, white peony, yam main role is whitening; hyaluronic acid, glycerin, hyaluronic acid, jellyfish essence, trehalose is a humectant

Generally speaking, jellyfish essence and ginseng are ingredients only found in famous masks, but peony has found these ingredients in Zhiyouquan Deep Sea Jellyfish Essence Moisturizing Mask:

Jellyfish essence is a natural marine collagen extracted from deep-sea jellyfish. It has smaller molecular weight than ordinary collagen and strong absorbency. It has the functions of moisturizing, repairing and firming.

Ginseng contains a variety of vitamin amino acids, with anti-wrinkle anti-aging, whitening and moisturizing effects, snow show, whoo and other Korean brands are often extracted from ginseng essence into skin care products.

In addition to the same ingredients of Qianyuan brand, Cordyceps sinensis and beautiful Yigu grass are also the main ingredients of the juvenile spring jellyfish mask. Apply a jellyfish mask is equivalent to using the mystery of the sea blue water applied face, luxury! The price was less than one-tenth of that of the big brands. No matter how one thought about it, it was a good deal!

In addition to the ingredients, the essence, material and other aspects of Zhiyou Spring are very surprising ~

"Three no products" sensitive muscles, pregnant women can also use

Friends familiar with peony know that if the product contains harmful chemical ingredients, I will be very disgusted! Zhiyou Spring is very reassuring,"three no" refers to no chemical preservatives, no essence, no alcohol, daily hydration depends on it enough.

Sensitive muscle and pregnant mother worry about pigment, mineral oil, hormone, sensitive ingredients, jellyfish mask are not, sensitive muscle, acne muscle pregnant mother can also rest assured to use!

25g essence, refreshing, hydrating and non-sticky

Good mask, essence generally not less than 20 grams, and jellyfish mask a full 25 grams of essence!

Open the package,

Each mask is like lying in water,

Squeeze with your hand, and the essence will flow down directly!

Peony would generally use the remaining essence to wipe her arms and thighs. She could basically wipe her whole body, even saving her body lotion!

Essence is not rare, but most of the mask with more essence will have a heavy feeling and sticky feeling. This kind of mask is generally added with thickening agent. After application, it needs to be washed again with water.

But this jellyfish mask essence is more gentle and refreshing, no thickening agent, apply without washing, you can go to bed directly. The next day I woke up and my skin was still tender.

Cellar material, thinner and closer to the face

In the mask cloth material, jellyfish mask is thinner, more transparent, more tencel material film cloth.

Some masks will be all kinds of tilt, fold, how to caress uneven, these small places if you do not pay attention to each time you apply the mask, long-term down will become the face of the "skin care dead angle."

tencel fabric has good extensibility,

It can cover every corner of the face.

Peony spread it on the hand, the mask is very delicate,

It fits perfectly with the skin.

National professional testing, both effects and reputation

In order to be able to use it with confidence, the picky and cautious peony repeatedly verified its qualifications and reputation. Zhiyouquan Deep Sea Jellyfish Essence Moisturizing Mask has a professional test report, which does not contain heavy metals, harmful bacteria, mineral oil and other risk components.

Even if it was a domestic brand, Shaoyao had seen a very conscientious and safe brand and could use it with peace of mind.

All netizens call it the light of Chinese goods, and many bloggers on the Little Red Book are also calling for this mask! You can close your eyes and store it!

Seven days without reason to return goods, open can also return

If you have never used this mask, you are hesitant to chop off your hands.

In order to dispel the doubts of the powder, Zhiyouquan launched the service of "returning goods if you are not satisfied within seven days, you can return them even if you open them". If you want to try this natural mask without burden, you don't have to worry at all. Anyway, we can return it if it's not good.

Shaoyao believed that a girl who would carefully apply facial masks would definitely pay more attention to her skin. When you take yourself seriously, you will be beautiful unconsciously.

Friends who want to buy don't have to wait for Double Eleven. Peony asks the brand to get super discounts and benefits ~

PS: Their family will push new products and welfare information from time to time, as well as all kinds of makeup, skin care dry goods, like Youquan girls do not miss oh.

Interactive welfare

Leave a message about what good things you have used from Zhiyouquan or your first impression of this product. Randomly select the 3-bit powder (extracted within 24 hours), and give a free Zhiyouquan pressure lipstick (original price 98)(color random).