
Trick | the succulent orchid with rotten roots has gone crazy when thrown into the water.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Summer is almost over. I wonder if your succulent and magnanimous orchid are all right. If your flowers are black and rotten, don't give up. Huahua teaches you a trick to save dying flowers! Throw the rotten succulent plant into the water, beard.

Summer is almost over. I wonder if your succulent and magnanimous orchid are all right. If your flowers are black and rotten, don't give up. Huahua teaches you a trick to save dying flowers!

The rotten succulent root is thrown into the water, and the whisker root is longer than the finger!

Presumably after a summer, everyone's succulent death, rotting roots. However, as long as the succulent plant is not dead, throwing it into the water can save a life!

1. Remove the succulent rotten roots from the basin, clean up the soil on the roots, and remove the leaves that have been blackened by water at the bottom.

2. Cut off the succulent rotten roots with a pair of sterilized scissors so that you can cut a little more to avoid residual germs.

3. If the succulent rotten root is more serious, cut off all the rotten root directly with a knife from the bottom.

4. After pruning, apply some carbendazim powder to the succulent cut, then put it in a bright and ventilated place to dry.

5. Prepare a disposable paper cup, cut it at the waist, draw a "ten" on the base and buckle it down with your hands.

(picture from: Wang Shuishui)

6. Put the dried succulent plant on the base of the paper cup, put a disposable paper cup on the outside of the base, and add water to the outer paper cup until there is no too much succulent root. If it is rootless, let the water level be about 0.5cm at the bottom of the succulent plant.

(picture from: Wang Shuishui)

7. In less than 10 days, succulent plants will produce long fibrous roots. when there are enough fibrous roots, you can choose to turn succulent succulent into soil culture.

(picture from: Wang Shuishui)

The rotten root of the gentleman orchid is thrown into the water, and the white root is thicker than the ham sausage!

Many flower friends of the gentleman orchid finally survived the hot and humid summer, but did not expect that just a few days into autumn, the roots rotted. Don't worry, learn this trick well, your gentleman orchid can still be saved!

1, take off the rotten root of the gentleman orchid, do not pull hard when taking off the basin, although the gentleman orchid has rotten roots, it may still have some healthy roots.

2. Rinse the soil on the root system with water and cut off all the rotten roots and useless empty roots.

(picture from: gswushihong)

3. In order to avoid residual bacteria, put the orchid in potassium permanganate solution for about 15 minutes before hydroponic culture.

(picture from: gswushihong)

4. Prepare a special hydroponic container for Cymbidium, pass the root through the planting basket, fix it with coarse ceramsite, then pour water, and the water level is lower than that of the root system of Cymbidium.

(picture from: gswushihong)

5. Put the magnolia hydroponic bottle in a brightly lit place for maintenance, and add some water after the water level drops.

(picture from: gswushihong)

6. In about two weeks, the magnolia will grow new white roots. If you want the orchid to grow stronger, wait for the growth of 3-5 white roots, turn to soil culture and conservation.

(picture from: gswushihong)

7. In order to avoid the rotten roots of the orchid again, before putting on the basin, pad some broken pine towers at the bottom of the basin to increase air permeability and water permeability.

8. After putting the orchid into the basin, put it in a place with bright light and good ventilation. In order to make the orchid adapt to the soil environment more quickly, it is necessary to keep the soil in a slightly moist state in the early stage.

(picture from: gswushihong)

If your flowers are rotten, too.

You might as well try Huahua's tips for growing flowers.

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The name of the plant (eg a fortune tree)

Check the culture method

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