
The once popular treasures are now pig feed growers: I am angry at both ends.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Once popular sky-high treasures, now become pig feed, growers: I am angry at both ends. With the rapid development of science and technology and the improvement of people's living standards, people's demand for material is constantly expanding, which also makes it have.

Once popular sky-high treasures, now become pig feed, growers: I am suffering from both ends.

With the rapid development of science and technology and the increasing improvement of people's living standards, people's demand for materials is constantly expanding, which also allows innovative people to breed various things to meet people's needs in this broad land.

However, things are unpredictable, there are many things but can not keep up with the pace of the times and people's needs, gradually disappeared in the long river of time, some even just a flash in the pan. However, although some are as hot as the sun, but in people's lives, but can not withstand the test of time, once popular sky-high treasures, was praised by people to be divine, now become pigs turnips, a few yuan a catty with the same price as ordinary fruits and vegetables, really let people sigh endlessly.

Such bragging is not groundless oh! This thing is maca. This kind of thing has extremely high requirements for its growth environment. First, it must have sufficient sunlight and a large temperature difference between day and night. At the same time, the pH requirements for the soil are also relatively high. It mainly grows in a small part of South America, which also leads to its rarity and preciousness.

Maca has a special shape and oval leaves, just like the round radishes grown in our farmers 'homes. This kind of thing was called South American ginseng, and its effect was also amazing. According to growers, maca has ten magical effects, one of which is tonifying kidney and strengthening yang, whitening and so on. Therefore, it was hyped to several thousand yuan a catty. But I personally don't think there is such a God.

Due to the progress of science and technology, it can be planted in many places in China now, which also leads to the trend of following the trend of everyone. Many people put themselves into the battlefield of planting a large number of maca without thinking. However, the shopping mall is like a battlefield. The imbalance between supply and demand of maca produced has led to the current situation of oversupply. Therefore, we growers blindly follow the trend. Now we have suffered a big setback. Once there were growers complaining that they rented farmers 'land to plant, but now they don't care about money, they have to pay rent and pay wages, etc., really blowing fire-both ends are angry yo!

Once sky-high treasures no longer exist, but become livestock feed, become the main dish of pigs. Therefore, here, Xiaobian wants to say that entrepreneurship has risks and investment needs to be cautious. Such a loss-making business, do not do it, it is better to plant some corn, potatoes really, you say is not this reason?