
Encounter twelve volumes of eagle claws: these four points are not good with less maintenance skills.

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, Have you ever heard of twelve volumes of eagle claws? As soon as you hear this name, you can guess its shape, it should be "eagle claws", narrow, sharp, proper eagle claws! He has an ordinary shape of twelve volumes, so is there any difference in maintenance? One.

Have you ever heard of twelve volumes of eagle claws? As soon as you hear this name, you can guess its shape, it should be "eagle claws", narrow, sharp, proper eagle claws! He has an ordinary shape of twelve volumes, so is there any difference in maintenance? Let's have a look!

1. Soil requirement

First of all, choose the flowerpot with a small hole at the bottom and throw a few grains of ceramsite to dredge the air and prevent the soil from leaking. The soil allocation methods recommended by the girl are rotten leaf soil, coarse sand and garden soil. Mix the three materials at 1:1:3. A little compound fertilizer can be buried at the bottom of the flowerpot and a little soil can be poured and stirred. Then pour in the configured nutritious soil and plant twelve volumes of eagle claws.

two。 Moisture requirement

During the growth period, the principle of watering is to see dry and wet, especially when planting, do not irrigate too much water, lest the roots will be stimulated and rot.

Eagle claw 12 rolls in winter and summer, there will be a short period of dormancy, (external can not see any change) at this time, be sure to control the water and keep the soil dry. In other words, directly change watering to spray water, spray more water to the surrounding environment, increase the humidity of the air, and achieve the purpose of wetting leaves.

3. Temperature control

Although the temperature at home is not well controlled (except that air conditioning can be turned on in winter and summer), we need to pay close attention to the growth of Eagle claw 12 rolls at all times. Its most suitable growth temperature is 16-20 degrees Celsius, which is now! Cool down in summer, keep warm in winter, and try not to bake directly on the ground if the house is warm.

4. Correct fertilization

Eagle claw 12 volumes are very resistant to barren, so the requirements for right and wrong is not very high, the girl is generally when changing the basin, apply the bottom fertilizer, basically do not use anything! Of course, you can grow more vigorously by watering fertilizer and water once every two months in autumn.