
The leaves of peony are curled. There must be something wrong here.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, 22. The leaves of peony are curled. Something must be wrong here! This is the blue demon original "Peony Culture" column excerpt of peony flower friends must have encountered this situation, the spring peony leaves do not stretch, very small one.

22. The leaves of peony are curled. Something must be wrong here!

This is an excerpt from the original column "Peony Culture" written by the Blue Devil.

Some of the flower friends who grow peonies must have encountered this situation. The leaves of peony flowers do not stretch in spring, and very small pieces of leaves are wrinkled together. What is the situation?

Today, the blue demon will talk about several possibilities of leaf wrinkling and curling in peonies.

The main results are as follows: 1. The root system of new transplanting is not well developed.

Most of the peonies with shrinking leaves were newly transplanted in autumn and winter last year, and the root system has not yet grown well.

Some flower friends transplant too late and miss the root growth period of peony, so that the root system of peony has not been well repaired, sprouting in spring and long bud consumes a lot of nutrients, but because the root system does not grow well and cannot absorb nutrients from the potted soil, the undernourished leaves are wrinkled.

Potted peonies are especially prone to leaf wrinkling, more or less because the flowerpots selected in pots are relatively small and the roots are pruned too much, but the branches are not pruned and sprout in spring. The damaged roots have not been well repaired, showing the wrinkling of the leaves.

2. The roots are frozen in winter.

The newly transplanted peony should pay attention to keep warm when it is cold in winter, and the cold resistance of the newly transplanted peony is relatively weak. if it is frozen in winter and damages the root system, the leaves will wrinkle in spring.

3. Root system damage

In addition, some flower friends do not know how to manage the peony in winter, and continue to water the peony in winter, causing the root system of the peony to be damaged by waterlogging, and the phenomenon of leaf shrinkage and distortion will occur after germination in spring.

It can be seen that the leaves of the peony are wrinkled and twisted, generally speaking, there is something wrong with the root system, and how the root of the peony is wrong, you need to compare the maintenance process to find the reason.

How to avoid leaf curling of peony?

In order to avoid the phenomenon of leaf curling and wrinkling in the peony, the blue demon suggests that you transplant at the right time. Transplanting is possible in most areas around the Mid-Autumn Festival.

When potted, the flowerpot should choose the big and deep, trim the root system as little as possible, the flowerpot is small, the root of pruning is more, it is definitely disadvantageous to the growth in the coming year.

In addition, we should try to keep the basin soil dry in winter, not very dry without watering. On the one hand, keeping the basin soil dry will not cause waterlogging to rot the roots, on the other hand, it can also increase the cold resistance of the peony.

In addition to the curly leaves of peonies, many flower friends have also encountered the problem that potted peonies do not blossom in the second year. Blue demons will come again tomorrow to do a specific analysis. Welcome to continue to pay attention.

If you want to grow flowers with the Blue Monster, please follow my Wechat account: blue Devil Garden (ilanyao) to bid farewell to rookies.