
The main points of topdressing cucumber

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Cucumber is very sensitive to fertilizer, topdressing should pay attention to the following points: 1. Before planting to sitting melon, you should look at seedling topdressing and control the amount of fertilizer. In the early stage of cucumber growth (usually within a month after planting), the soil temperature is still low, such as fertilizing or watering too much, "rotten roots" will occur, which is due to the weak activity of the root system.

Cucumber is very sensitive to fertilizer, topdressing should pay attention to the following points: 1. Before planting to sitting melon, you should look at seedling topdressing and control the amount of fertilizer. In the early stage of cucumber growth (usually within a month after planting), the soil temperature is still low, such as fertilizing or watering too much, "rotten roots" will occur, which is due to the weak activity of the root system, which can not be fully absorbed, resulting in too much water in the soil and less air. Make the root suffocate and rot; the aboveground shows thin mesophyll, the leaf color is not bright, and is easy to wilt. Therefore, cucumber should not be fertilized and watered too much at one time, but the topdressing method of "applying thin fertilizer frequently and eating more with small amount" should be applied. Two. in addition to applying enough organic fertilizer, we should also apply a large amount of chemical fertilizer. Cucumber is a kind of vegetable with shallow root system and more fertilizer. In the process of production, topdressing should be increased from the young fruit stage to the harvest period of root melon to promote its growth and development and the demand for nutrients during the fruit expansion period. The top dressing of cucumber planted in greenhouse should not be planed or ditched, but must be applied in the ditch. Generally, the amount of topdressing should not be too much, with an average of 1.5 grams per plant. In the peak period of picking cucumber, every watering should be mixed with fertilizer and water, so that no fertilizer damage can be produced and high yield can be obtained. In the middle and later stages of cucumber growth, it was found that when the leaves were thin and yellow, 50 grams of urea was mixed with 15 kilograms of water, and then the leaves were fully stirred and dissolved, once every 5 days, for 5 times in a row. When it is found that there are many deformed melons or serious melons, use 50 grams of potassium dihydrogen phosphate to 15 kilograms of water, spray foliar, 3 Mel once every 5 days. In the later stage of production, the root is senescent and urea can be used at the same time. three。 Foliar topdressing is an economical and effective way of topdressing. Cucumber not only absorbs nutrients from the soil from the roots, but also absorbs mineral nutrients from the leaves to promote fruit development. Generally, in the middle and later stage of production, it was found that nitrogen fertilizer was applied when the leaves were thin and yellow, and the leaves were sprayed after fully stirring and melting with 50 grams of urea and 15 kilograms of water, 3-5 times in a row every 5-7 days, and the effect was very good. When it is found that the melons are serious, the leaves are enlarged and there are many deformed melons, it can also get a certain effect when the water is stirred and melted with 50 grams of potassium dihydrogen phosphate and sprayed once every 5 days. In the later stage of production, when the root is senescent, urea and potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be used at the same time, each 50 grams to 15 kg of water, and then add half a bottle of Pushibao, stirring and melting, spraying leaves, which can replace root topdressing, increase cucumber disease resistance, delay senescence and strive for high yield. But in general, pesticides can not be arbitrarily added to chemical fertilizer and sprayed at the same time, easy to produce drug damage or drug failure, need to be sprayed at the same time, spray fertilizer in the morning and afternoon. Four. Do not apply fertilizer when the soil is wet or high temperature. Fertilization in the case of wet soil is easy to cause female flower differentiation, deformed melon, resulting in fallen leaves, flowers, melons and other physiological diseases, fertilization under high temperature, plant leaf water evaporation, will affect the fertilizer effect. In addition, it is appropriate to apply fertilizer in the early morning or evening.