
The green pineapple runs for 10 meters like this.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Green pineapple is a very common flower. If you want to raise it well, you still need some real kung fu if you want to raise it for more than ten meters. Let's take a look at how to raise it. 1, watering some flower friends can not control their own hands, idle nothing to water, resulting in accumulation in the basin.

Green pineapple is a very common flower. If you want to raise it well, you still need some real kung fu if you want to raise it for more than ten meters. Let's take a look at how to raise it.

1. Watering

Some flower friends can not control their own hands, idle nothing to water, resulting in stagnant water in the basin, a long time must be rotten yellow leaves. The soil is dry and then watered until the water flows out of the drain at the bottom of the basin.

2. Fertilization

Proper fertilization can make the green pineapple grow greener. Flower friends can pour urea water on the green pineapple every 15 days, or pour some rotten cake fertilizer into the soil every month.

Succulent plants are raised like this, and they are full of flowerpots.

The meat grows slowly and can not be raised in a good state, so it is useless to be in a hurry, so we should find out the reason as soon as possible. Let's see what experienced flower friends do!

1. Lighting

If the meat receives enough light, it will grow faster and the leaf color will become very good-looking. It is spring now, and the temperature is gradually rising. The meat raised indoors can be transferred to outdoor care, but some meat should be properly shaded. For example, 12 rolls of meat, such as jade dew and longevity.

2. Fertilization

Some flower friends fertilize the meat too much, burning the meat, fertilization should be moderate, otherwise it will harm the meat. Do not apply thick fertilizer to meat, but apply thin fertilizer, such as buying slow-release fertilizer, diluted peel nutrient solution, etc., and apply it twice a month.

The hanging orchid is raised in this way, and the basin explodes.

Some flower friends keep hanging orchids that do not grow, and their leaves are drooping and listless. Although they will not die at 01:30, they are still 108000 miles away from growing into a waterfall. Now Huahua will teach you the skill of exploding pots. Come and see!

1. Sufficient light

Some flower friends keep hanging orchids at home and keep them in places where there is not enough light. The leaves will definitely turn yellow and not long after a long time. Usually to put the orchid on the south balcony or south windowsill, let it receive sufficient light, so that it will rub long.

2. Shave your head with a hard heart

Since the orchid is not long and the leaves are yellow, you might as well shave your head, cut off the branches and leaves 3-5 cm above the root, and put them in a sunny place, and the green leaves will grow out. Pour some compound fertilizer and water into the soil every month and rub it into a waterfall!

Gardenia is raised like this, and the flowers are big and fragrant.

Spring is coming, and more and more flower friends are raising gardenia. some flower friends go to the flower market to choose green gardenia, but they keep yellow leaves and do not expect to blossom. You have to learn to raise it in this way before you can blossom and the leaves are so green that they drip oil!

1. Fertilization

Gardenia is suitable for growing in acidic soil, gardenia yellow leaves, probably because the soil is alkaline, and the fermented rice washing water is acidic, which can be watered into the soil once a week to improve the acidity and basicity of the soil.

2. Spray more water around

Gardenia likes higher air humidity, while the northern spring is relatively dry, which is not conducive to flower bud differentiation, so flower friends have to spray water around the flowerpot every day to improve the air humidity.

The rich tree is raised like this, with thick branches and leaves.

Making a fortune means making a fortune, with such a pleasant name and green branches, many people are willing to keep it at home, in the office, and in restaurants. But some people raise wealth trees, either rotten roots or yellow leaves, how on earth can they raise them well?

1. Watering

The rotten roots of stagnant water in the basin will lead to rotten roots and yellow leaves, and the flowerpots of the rich trees should choose those with drainage holes at the bottom of the pot. when you see the soil surface dry and white, give it a permeable water until the water flows out of the drainage hole. Just water it every 3-5 days in spring.

2. Lighting

Indoor wealth trees, try to put in bright light, do not direct sunlight, rich trees will accumulate more nutrients through photosynthesis, will grow more prosperous, green leaves glowing.

Mastered the flower-growing skills of these kinds of flowers.

If you don't believe it, the flower will not flourish!

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Source: flower Encyclopedia Network