
Grape varieties and pollution-free cultivation techniques

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The period of winter pruning of grapes is generally from the first ten days of November to the middle of February of the following year, that is, from 2-3 weeks after defoliation to 3-4 weeks before the occurrence of spring injury. Pruning too early will affect the return of nutrients, too late will easily lead to bleeding phenomenon. Bleeding often affects the germination of bud eyes, growth and fruit. Now it is mainly.

According to the eco-environmental conditions of Beijing and the geographical advantages of metropolitan suburbs, the technology locates the products as high-grade (with high quality as the first element) and safety (based on pollution-free production). Gradually transition to green and organic production), realize annual supply (reasonable collocation of varieties in the morning, middle and evening, and develop protected cultivation to advance or delay grape harvest). Core technical content (1) according to the characteristics of varieties, choose reasonable frame and tree shape: regular sector shaping of hedge (such as rose fragrance) and dragon trunk shaping of scaffolding (such as Jufeng and Red Earth); combined with tree shape standard pruning and annual tree management measures, different varieties adopt different management methods of sprouting, coring and auxiliary shoots to renew fruit branches reasonably to achieve scientific high and stable yield. (2) directional cultivation, according to the characteristics of varieties, target yield, planting density, ear weight and grain weight per plant to determine the amount of ear and fruit per plant. Scientific flower thinning and fruit thinning to control yield and improve fruit quality. (3) the planting varieties should be selected scientifically and reasonably according to the orchard function (whether the orchard is sightseeing or not), and the ecological adaptation and good quality are the first selection factors. (4) the early, middle and late maturing varieties should be reasonably matched, and the early, middle and late maturing varieties should be reasonably selected according to the proportion of 3:4:3, and the harvest time of fresh fruit in open field should be 2.5-3 months. Heating greenhouse, solar greenhouse and ordinary greenhouse can advance the supply period of early-maturing varieties by 2 months, 1 month and half a month respectively, and the harvest time of late-maturing grapes can be delayed before and after New Year's Day in cold greenhouse. The overall supply period of fresh fruit was extended to 6-7 months. (5) take the disinfection of seed strips and the planting of virus-free seedlings as the starting point, on the basis of plant quarantine and agricultural control, combined with physical and biological control, and scientifically use chemical pesticides to effectively control the harm of diseases and insect pests.