
Put some rice in the pot and put some of it in the water. After eating the oil, the tile bright skyrocketed with no smell.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Amoy rice water should be the most recommended self-made flower fertilizer for Huahua. Many flower friends will encounter various problems in the process of retting rice water, such as: retting process is too slow, retting process has peculiar smell, flatulence and so on. Huahua will help you solve it today.

Amoy rice water should be the most recommended self-made flower fertilizer for Huahua. Many flower friends will encounter various problems in the process of retting rice water, such as: retting process is too slow, retting process has peculiar smell, flatulence, and so on. Huahua will help you solve these problems today.

Amoy rice water with a little yeast, ripening twice as fast!

1. Collect rice water, try to use white rice water, do not use water quality is too clear, fertilizer effect is too small.

two。 Put the rice water into the plastic bottle, do not fill it too full, and leave a little space at the top to prevent flatulence.

3. Pour a small bag of yeast powder into the rice water, which is the yeast sold in ordinary supermarkets. Put the lid on the plastic bottle slightly and let it dry in the sun.

4. Because yeast can promote fermentation, rice washing water with yeast will mature much faster than that without yeast. Put it in the morning and start bubbling at noon!

5. Do not need a week, add yeast Amoy rice water will be fermented, pour out the top liquid, into 10 times the water, irrigate the pot soil, the flowers can grow super prosperous!

Amoy rice water with a little orange peel, no smell and delicious!

1. After eating the orange, don't throw the peel, cut it into thin shreds like the picture below!

two。 Find a few plastic bottles, pour 80% full of rice panning water, then tuck in the orange peel, close the lid, leave some gaps, and let them dry in the sun!

3. The rice panning water with orange peel will not produce a bad smell but has a fragrance of orange peel in the process of fermentation. Fermentation for about a month or so, on it, pour out the supernatant, water the flowers, not only the leaves are oily, but also blossom!

Add some beer to the rice water, and the flowers will burst into a long pot!

1. When you've finished your beer, leave a bottom, don't throw it away, pour it into an open cup, leave it for 2 days, and let out bubbles.

two。 Pour the beer into the plastic bottle, then pour the same amount of rice washing water, close the lid, don't cover too tightly, put it on the balcony, open the cover and breathe every day, and it will be cooked in about 3 weeks!

3. Wash the mature beer into rice water, take out the supernatant, mix it with 20 times more water, water the flowers once a month, and make sure to rub and sprout!

4. Fully mature beer Amoy rice water, but also can be dipped in a soft cloth to wipe the leaves to ensure that the flowers use a glossy tile!

Flower friends, how do you soak the rice water?

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