
If you don't change the flower pot now, the yellow leaves and fallen leaves will die as soon as it gets cold. | A complete collection of flowers

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When autumn comes, many flower friends ask Huahua why the flowers in my family not only don't grow, but also lose their yellow leaves. That Huahua can't help but ask you: have you changed the pot? If the flowers in the family do not change pots for a long time, the soil is seriously hardened and cannot be watered.

When autumn comes, many flower friends ask Huahua why the flowers in my family not only don't grow, but also lose their yellow leaves. That Huahua can't help but ask you: have you changed the pot? If the flowers at home do not change pots for a long time, the soil is so hardened that it cannot be watered or fertilized, and the leaves will naturally turn yellow after a long time.

Green pineapple to change the basin, rub to climb the growing waterfall!

If your green turnip has not grown for 1-2 years, and the phenomenon of yellow leaves begins to appear gradually, it must be time to change the pot! Taking advantage of the current temperature of 25 ℃, changing the basin is just right!

How to change the basin?

1. Upside down the green apple with full root system, grab the green apple with one hand and gently pat the flowerpot with the other hand, and the whole green apple can be taken out directly.

2. Clean up the soil on the root system. For those intertwined roots, you can probably separate them by hand, and then trim off those overlong old roots, weak roots, and so on.

3. In order to prevent bacterial infection after potting, the green pineapple after root trimming can be soaked in carbendazim solution for more than half an hour, and then removed to dry the wound.

4. If you want the green apple to grow well, the soil must be loose and ventilated. You can choose rotten leaf soil, perlite and coconut bran, according to the proportion of 3:2:1, and then put the green apple on the basin and water it once.

5. Put the green pineapple in a cool and ventilated place for 1 week, and then put it in a place where the scattered light is good. Just wait for the green turnip to grow!

Change the pot of the rich tree and keep its roots for 20 years!

Why do the rich trees at home have rotten yellow leaves and rotten roots? The soil must be airtight! Quickly take advantage of the cool weather to change the pot for the rich tree at home.

How to change the pot of the rich tree?

1. If the potted soil is not ventilated for a long time, the rich tree will rot. First take the whole rich tree out of the basin, and then cut off the rotten root system with a sterilized knife.

2. Soak the whole root of the rich tree in carbendazim or potassium permanganate solution for about 1 day, then fish it out to dry the wound.

3. If you want to avoid the rotten roots of a rich tree, the basin soil must choose loose and breathable nutrient soil. It can be arranged with rotten leaf soil and perlite at the proportion of 3:1. Of course, the basin must be padded with tiles or ceramsite to increase water permeability and air permeability.

4. after potting, first put the wealth tree in a cool and ventilated place to slow its roots for 1 week, and then put it in a place where the scattered light is good. The root of the rich tree is shallow, most afraid of stagnant water rotten roots, usually do not pour too much water, poke 3-5cm into the soil with a small stick, pull it out and find that the stick is dry and can be watered.

If you change your pot, it will blossom in autumn and winter!

Autumn and winter to the magnolia blossom time, if your family's magnolia still does not grow up to now, it may be because the root system is full of pots, we must hurry to change the pot!

(photo by Lily Grace 1986)

How does the gentleman orchid change the basin?

1. Take the orchid out of the original basin. Notice that when taking the orchid out of the pot, grab the orchid with one hand and buckle the flowerpot upside down, then you can easily take it out.

2. Clean up the soil on the root system of the orchid, pay attention to do not hurt the root system when cleaning the soil, and then rinse slightly with clean water, so that you can quickly distinguish between rotten roots and empty roots.

(photo author: long Yi Jian)

3. See the empty rotten root on the root system, cut it off with sterilized scissors, and then apply some carbendazim powder or plant ash to the wound.

(photo author: long Yi Jian)

4. Prepare loose and breathable nutritious soil, which can be arranged according to 5 parts of rotten leaf soil and 1 part of pine needle soil. in order to give the orchid sufficient nutrients, you can grab a handful of ripe melon seeds or peanuts and sprinkle them in the basin soil. Pay attention to the original flavor.

5. Because the root system of Cymbidium is exposed, do not directly throw it into the basin to fill the soil, otherwise it will cause a hole in the middle of the root system. So first hold a punch to the bottom of the root system of Cymbidium, wrap it around the root system, and then put it into the flowerpot. Fix the magnolia with the false bulb as the center, and then fill and compact it.

(photo author: long Yi Jian)

6. after putting on the basin, pour water once until water flows out from the bottom of the basin. Gentleman orchid is a fleshy root system, usually watering would rather be dry than wet, you will not be afraid of rotting roots.

(photo author: Qian Lan Yuan)

Change the basin of asparagus and climb to the roof!

If your asparagus leaves have been yellow, some or even the whole plant has turned yellow, in addition to less watering, the main reason may be that your asparagus should be changed!

How to change the pot of asparagus?

1. In general, asparagus has grown for more than 2-3 years, and the root system has filled the whole flowerpot, and even the root system has been drilled out of the flowerpot, so it is necessary to remove the asparagus completely.

(photo author: one day.)

2. Gently pat the root system with your hand to clean up the soil on the root system of asparagus. Be careful not to damage the root system, then rinse the root system with clean water and see that the old and weak roots are cut off directly. You can also take advantage of the ramet at this time to find the right node of asparagus and gently break it open directly.

(photo author: one day.)

3. For the soil ready for potting, you can choose to mix 3 parts of rotten leaf soil and 2 parts of river sand together, pad several tiles at the bottom of the basin, add a handful of slow-release fertilizer to the basin at the same time, and then put asparagus back on the basin.

4. Put asparagus indoors in a well-ventilated place and spray water on the leaves. Usually pay attention to giving it enough scattered light. Asparagus will soon be able to rub long, and it is not a problem to climb to the wall!

Tiger Pilan changed the basin and poked the roof every minute!

Tiger Pilan is a very easy flower with full roots. Huahua still remembers raising a pot of Tiger Pilan in a plastic pot before, but as a result, the flowerpot was bursting with so many roots.

How does Tiger Pilan change pots?

1. Before the tiger Pilan changes the pot, it is best to control the water for a few days, let the pot soil dry, and then poke the soil along the edge of the flowerpot with chopsticks to loosen the soil, so that it can be easily removed from the pot.

(photo author: love Flower Beauty)

2. Remove the soil from the root system of tiger skin orchid. If you have a big flowerpot at home, you don't have to divide it. If the pot is not big enough, divide the pot directly. Pay attention to the ramet tiger Pilan, all with roots, so it's easier to grow.

3. In order to prevent the tiger skin orchid from rotting, it is best to pad the broken brick with 2-3cm thickness at the bottom of the basin, and then add nutritious soil. If you want tiger skin orchid to thrive, you can add some cooked and fermented soybeans and eggshells to the bottom of the basin.

(photo author: love Flower Beauty)

4. Put the tiger skin orchid back into the basin, then water it once, and then put it in a cool and ventilated place. In the later stage, as long as there is no stagnant water in the basin, Tiger Pilan will be able to rub long, poking to the roof is not a problem!

(photo author: love Flower Beauty)

Change the pot of longevity flowers and rub the buds in autumn and winter!

Many flower friends worry every day, why my family's longevity is not long up to now, when can it blossom? Huahua feels that if your family's longevity has not been changed for several years, it must not be easy to grow and blossom!

(photo by liuya9999)

How to change the pot of longevity flowers?

1. Take the longevity flowers out of the original pot, and then pull the soil on the root system a little bit. It is best to keep a mass of original soil, not to get rid of it all.

(photo author: sun, moon and stars 111)

2. Prepare a new flowerpot, put loose and breathable ceramsite on the bottom pad, and then add new nutrient soil.

(photo author: sun, moon and stars 111)

3. Put the longevity flowers with soil mass directly into the new flowerpot, then fill them with soil and compact the soil slightly.

(photo author: sun, moon and stars 111)

4. Pour water once after putting into the basin. When watering, you can add some trace element fertilizer to the water, then keep it in a cool and ventilated place, and then put it in a place with good light, which will soon make the longevity flowers grow and blossom!

(photo author: sun, moon and stars 111)

About changing basins

Huahua is introduced here!

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