
All this will pass, just like life, the universe and everything.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The New Story of Mammoth in 2018, teacher Ye Mammoth brought us a new story. On the small blue planet in the remote Orion arm of the Milky way, how do animals and plants think and survive? At midnight every weekend.

The new story of the mammoth


Teacher Ye Mammoth brought us a brand new story.

On that little blue planet in the remote arm of Orion in the Milky way

How do animals and plants think and survive?

Take you on a cruise at midnight every weekend.

Blue Star Survey Notes

All this will pass.

This is the ultimate fate.

[clip of record of thinking activity 0103792]

(translated into local language)

I've been exploring ruins lately.

I thought it was a little strange at first, after all, no trace had been found before. But I figured it out soon. These relics do not account for a large proportion of the blue star ground, and most of them are covered with lush plants, which are not easy to find if they are not observed closely.

But once you are familiar with the patterns of these relics, it is easy to find them. Sometimes I can find several in a day. After all, they are there, and they are connected by a flat road, though often covered, cut or damaged by plants.

It's interesting to explore the ruins. This kind of fun is different from biological interviews. This kind of fun is like exploring puzzles, finding clues one by one, and then piecing them together into the truth of the event.

And there are so many truths hidden in these relics that I don't think I can understand them.

Let's record a few of my guesses.

First of all, the creatures that made these ruins once spread all over the blue stars, except in the oceans and places that were too cold. That's the one thing I'm most sure of. It does not take much effort to see that although the relics are divided into many areas, each of the smallest units has a similar structure and function. This shows that the species that once lived here are very similar. I was sure to infer the living habits and physical characteristics of this creature, but some later discoveries made me hesitate.

Second, these creatures need light. This is proved by the large holes in the walls of the dwellings and the devices hanging from each indoor roof. In some relics, the roof devices still work, and they do glow. They may be like blue star plants that can get energy from light.

Third, I think they may be very different in size. In almost every relic, some buildings can be found, they are often in the central area of the site, and each floor is far apart. Maybe some taller creatures live here, but I didn't find the corresponding living facilities. Maybe these are just places where tall creatures attend the event, and the living area is somewhere else. In addition, I found some statues, which are probably what this tall creature looks like.

Also, I think this species may have tamed some other creatures and made them extinct in the wild. This is because I often see strange biological remains with metal shells, limbs or more, each with a wheel at the end. As you can see, this shape is very suitable for running fast on flat ground. Considering the ruins of these creatures and the flat road that connects them, I think it is designed for this wheeled limb creature. This means that wheeled limb creatures and the creatures that made these relics once lived together.

Outside the ruins, I can occasionally find this wheeled limb creature. But every such creature found on the blue star is dead and can no longer move. I have dissected several different shapes of this creature and found that their internal structures are basically the same.

Although the appearance and material of these creatures are different from those of other creatures on Blue Star, I think it is more appropriate to classify them as creatures in view of the large number of remains they leave behind.

I am quite sure of these guesses.

[clip of record of thinking activity 0104136]

(translated into local language)

An interesting building was found in the relic today. It's not enough to say it's interesting. Maybe it should be said to be a very important building.

Many older things are stored in this building. Although I can't see the usefulness of most things, there are some that can be seen at once-the remains of some ancient creatures.

What interests me most is the remains of a quadruped. You only need to look at their strong leg bones to imagine their astonishing weight; looking at the long ribs, you can imagine what a wide chest they once had; but the two huge bones protruding from the skulls, I don't know what to do.

On the wall next to this set of bones, the creature is also painted (authorized by the editor. Replace it with "real mammoth". ). Although there has been some cracking and fading, but also climbed some climbing vines, but also can roughly see the original elegant demeanor.

Huge, steady, gentle. I can even feel their eyes. It was as if he had seen through time, looked at me and looked behind me. It's like they've seen the ending.

And they're extinct. (violent mood swings)

[clip of record of thinking activity 0104298]

(translated into local language)

Before coming to Blue Star, I had seen some information about Blue Star. According to the records, there were some huge animals living in the Blue Star, and they were hunting grounds in the sky, land and sea. But about 65 million Earth years ago, these animals became extinct.

In the long years before that, countless kinds of creatures appeared, multiplied, grew, and then became extinct.

Even in today's Blue Star, there are still creatures that continue to appear and become extinct.

The species that once built the building have now disappeared. Probably extinct, too.

Even though they have built so many buildings, flattened the mountains, cut into the sea, and may have cut through the sky. They have left so many traces that they have lived here, and may have been proud of it.

But they are still extinct, like trilobites, like dinosaurs, like real mammoths.

The tree of life pulls out its branches, produces leaves, and then allows them to wither and wither.

The universe watches galaxies emerge from nothingness, spin and scatter energy, and eventually expand, explode or collapse until everything is in nothingness. The universe just sat on the sidelines.

I seldom think about it from this angle. Although I have known for a long time, everything will disappear. The blue star, the galaxy in which the blue star is located, my home star, and even life, the universe and everything.

But none of this felt real until the moment I saw the bones of a real mammoth.

Everything will be born. Everything will be destroyed.

This is the ultimate fate.

[clip of record of thinking activity 0104299]

Recorder, do I have mood swings?

[thought recorder feedback]


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