
As long as there is water and light, the copper grass can keep growing well and can live by watering regularly.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Some plants have a particularly strong ability to adapt to the environment, as long as they meet certain conservation conditions, they can maintain exuberant growth. Codonopsis lanceolata is a typical tolerant plant, which only needs to maintain a warm and ventilated environment.

Some plants have a particularly strong ability to adapt to the environment, as long as they meet certain conservation conditions, they can maintain exuberant growth. Rabdosia angustifolia is a typical tolerant plant, which only needs to maintain a warm environment. the place where the environment is ventilated and maintained has more sufficient light and sufficient water, and it can grow all the time.

The most important thing to maintain Tongqian grass is to maintain a warm and humid environment all the year round. Recently, the maintenance temperature has been kept above 5 degrees to avoid being too low. In winter, you need to move it indoors and put it on the windowsill facing east or south.

It is best to choose some soil with water retention capacity, you can choose yellow soil, garden soil or peat soil, as long as you keep moisture in the soil, it is best to choose some soil with water retention capacity.

Rabdosia angustifolia can also be used as a hydroponic plant conservation, without soil cultivation, the biggest feature is that it can be half-water and half-soil conservation, it is originally a plant growing on the edge of the water, it can grow if there is water.

The leaves of the Rabdosia angustifolia maintained by many people will be yellow, the leaves of some friends will blossom very much, and the leaves of some friends will grow very small. As long as the conservation environment is properly improved, it will be able to restore its robust growth.

If the leaves turn yellow, just cut off the yellow leaves in time to improve the ventilation of the environment and avoid being kept in an airtight space.

It is also important to note that the flowering of Rabdosia angustifolia consumes a lot of nutrients, so you can see that it has more flowers, so it should be cut off in time, so it can retain more nutrients and make the leaves grow more exuberantly.

If it grows smaller all the time, it is likely that there is not enough light, or that the light intensity is not enough, you need to put it on the south-facing balcony or windowsill to replenish more than eight hours of direct light every day.

Maintenance of copper grass should also maintain a high air humidity, you can regularly spray water around to avoid air dryness, especially in winter, if the air is dry, its leaves are easy to dry and curl.

Many people do not know how to breed, in fact, it is very easy to reproduce, it is usually propagated by cutting branches, be careful not only to cut off the leaves and petioles, but also to cut off the creeping stem at the bottom, its growth nodes grow into leaves, and there must be at least three growth nodes, so it is easy to take root and sprout.

The cut stem can take root and sprout directly in water, of course, it can also be directly inserted into the soil to keep the soil moist, the key to reproduction is to keep moist, avoid drought, the environment should be ventilated, and the temperature should be kept between 20 and 25 degrees.