
Banana ploughing and weeding

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The main diseases of banana are atrophy, mosaic heart rot and leaf spot, the first two of which are virus diseases transmitted by aphids. 1. Atrophy disease, also known as bunchy top disease, banana male, shrimp banana, the symptom is that the petiole has blue veins, the new leaves become thinner and thinner, wrinkle, form a cluster top, can not bear fruit. The diseased plant should be dug up and burned in time.

1. The function of intermediate ploughing (1) Intermediate ploughing is a measure to ensure good softness and ventilation of banana orchard soil. If there is no loose soil and soil layer is consolidated, the pores are small and the ventilation is poor, which is very disadvantageous to the growth of bananas with fleshy roots. If the root growth is not good, it will directly affect the aboveground growth. Most of the weakening banana plants in the banana orchard are closely related to the poor development of its underground roots. Middle ploughing (deep ploughing) can destroy the structure of soil impermeable layer and create a soil environment with good properties of deep, loose, soft, breathable, drainage and water retention, so as to promote the growth of root system and underground stem and improve the production capacity of banana. Ploughing is particularly important for clay banana plantations. (2) due to the shallow distribution of banana roots, most of them are within 15 cm of topsoil. During the peak period of banana growth, mild intertillage may damage the roots. Therefore, intertillage should be avoided during the vigorous banana growth season (3-11) months. However, when the growth is slow in winter or when the whole garden has been harvested, the next generation of plants are still young. Generally, the middle tillage is once a year, and the suitable period is from the Winter Solstice to before the Beginning of Spring (December-February), because of the low temperature in winter. In the dry weather, the horizontal roots of the topsoil layer have shrunk, and there are few roots injured by ploughing, while the winter sun makes the deep-turned soil fully whitened and weathered, which is beneficial to the growth of bananas in next spring. After the sting (March), the soil can be crushed to level the border surface. (3) the scope and depth of intertillage should be carried out in an all-round way except at a distance of 30cm to 45cm from the banana head. The depth of ploughing is 1525cm in paddy field and 25cm in dry slope or terraced field. After ploughing, a banana garden with mud is required to make a small ridge around the border (5cm to 10cm in height) to keep the mud in the border. At the same time, mid-tillage should be combined with weeding and digging the old banana head (ancestral underground stem) to facilitate the root system to grow and develop around. 2. Weeds in weeding banana garden not only compete with banana plants for nutrients and sunshine, but also are intermediate hosts of diseases and habitats of pests, which can easily lead to the spread of diseases and insect pests. Weeding in banana plantations is usually carried out from April to October, 6 to 10 times a year, especially from June to July, twice a month. Weeding should be carried out on a sunny day. In recent years, due to tight labor and high cost of manual weeding, many banana professional households use chemical herbicides to control weeds. If the use of gram Wuzhuan (paraquat), glyphosate and other drugs to control weeds, the effect is good. General gram Wuzhuan is mostly used for shallow roots, no underground stem, broad-leaf weeds, every 667 square meters (mu) with 20% grams of turnip 150 kg 200ml, for water 750 kg 1000 kg; glyphosate is mostly used for deep roots. There are annual and perennial weeds with underground stems, using 41% glyphosate 300 kg 360 ml for every 667 square meters and 75 kg for water. If there are the above two kinds of weeds in the banana garden, it can be used alternately or mixed with glyphosate, and the weeding effect is more significant. Be careful not to spray on banana buds or dried bananas or leaves, otherwise banana plants and sucking buds will wither and yellow, light growth will be inhibited and serious death. Therefore, spray as far as possible from the banana plant at a certain distance, the spray head down, it is best to carry out in the quiet wind.