
Six kinds of flowers that are not afraid of water are no longer afraid of being watered to death.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When many novice friends are growing flowers, they always worry about the lack of water and can't control their hands to water them. as a result, many flowers and plants die because of too much watering. Next, good maintenance will introduce 6 kinds of watering.

When many novice friends are growing flowers, they always worry about the lack of water and can't control their hands to water them. as a result, many flowers and plants die because of too much watering. Below, good maintenance will introduce six kinds of flowers and plants that can not be watered, which are especially suitable for novice friends who love watering.

1. Tortoise back bamboo

The leaves of tortoise back bamboo are very large, and its own transpiration is very strong, especially in summer, the water demand of tortoise back bamboo is relatively large. Watering tortoise-backed bamboo in summer should follow the principle of "better wet than dry". It should be watered once every morning and evening in summer and once every 3-4 days in winter. When the weather is dry, it is necessary to spray water in the air around tortoise-backed bamboo to increase air humidity.

2. Copper grass

Half soil and half water, in the sun, you only need to prepare enough water.

3. Calla lilies

Calla lilies like the wet basin soil and environment very much, you can water it every day, but you must pay attention to the water can not be left in the heart of calla lilies, otherwise it will cause soft rot.

4. Saxifraga

Saxifraga has been lush in this year-round moist condition.

5. Umbrella bamboo

Umbrella bamboo, also known as water bamboo, knows from the name that umbrella bamboo likes water. Umbrella bamboos don't even need to be watered, because you can put a basin full of water directly outside the flowerpot, so you don't have to worry about it running out of water at all, just replenish it with less water outside. However, the root system of umbrella bamboo grows very fast, if you feel that the growth of umbrella bamboo has stagnated, then most of the roots in the flowerpot are full, and it is time to trim the root and change the pot.

6. Dryopteris przewalskii

The first requirement for the environment of Dryopteris is moisture. Therefore, the family grows flowers, and the wet bathroom is the favorite environment for Dryopteris. If you are near the water floor, you will get the moon first, and the fern that is close to the water will naturally have a much better chance of getting watered.

The above are six kinds of flowers that are not afraid of watering arranged by good maintenance and cultivation experts, which are especially suitable for novice friends who like watering easily.