
Cultivation techniques of black wax gourd in Guangdong

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Wax gourd is a cucurbitaceae, wax gourd is an annual climbing herb. Its root system is strong, fibrous root developed, depth 50-100 cm, width 150-200 cm, root absorptive capacity is strong, easy to produce adventitious roots; leaves alternate, leaves broad, palmate, 5-7-lobed, green, leaf surface and back velutinous, 30-35 cm wide.

Wax gourd is a cucurbitaceae, wax gourd is an annual climbing herb. Its root system is strong, fibrous root developed, depth 50-100 cm, width 150-200 cm, root absorptive capacity is strong, easy to produce adventitious roots; leaves alternate, leaves broad, palmate, 5-7-lobed, green, leaf surface and leaf back velutinous, 30-35 cm wide, 24-28 cm long, veins reticulate, back raised. Petiole conspicuous, 14-18 cm long, 0.5-0.7 cm in diameter, velutinous; stem trailing, pentagonal, green, densely pilose. The stem branching force is strong, each section axillary bud can draw lateral vine, lateral vine each node axillary bud can also draw accessory lateral vine, such as laissez-faire growth, stem vine is very luxuriant. Therefore, in cultivation, should be timely heart-picking, forking, in order to prevent crazy vines. The primary stem node has only one axillary bud, and at the beginning of the vine, each stem node gives birth to bifurcated tendrils, followed by male or female flowers. Under wet conditions, the basal stem nodes are also prone to adventitious roots to absorb nutrients and water. Therefore, the method of pressing vines can be taken in cultivation to expand its absorption area. Second, wax gourd flowers are mostly unisexual, generally monoecious, and some varieties are hermaphroditic. Generally, male flowers occur first, followed by female flowers, and the occurrence of female and male flowers has a certain regularity. Male flowers: sepals 5, subhastate, green, petals 5, elliptic, yellow. Stamens 3, triangular in the center of the flower, terminal anther, several degrees curved and dehiscent. The female petals are the same as the male. Ovary inferior, the shape varies from breed to breed, there are long oval, short oval, green, densely fluffy, flower stalk shorter and thicker than male stalk, hairy. Style short, stigma trifid, yellowish. The node position of the first female flower in the main vine varies with variety and environmental conditions. For early-maturing varieties, the first female flower is generally formed in the axils of the 6-9 nodes of the main vine, while the middle and late-maturing varieties are formed in the axils of 12-15 or 15-20 nodes. Since the first female flower, one female flower is generally differentiated every 5-7 nodes, and there are also two or even three female flowers in succession. Suitable environmental conditions can reduce the node position of female flowers in the main vine. The lateral vines differentiate into female flowers earlier, and female flowers often occur in the first and second nodes. Wax gourd generally depends on the main vine, while the reliability of lateral vine is poor. Wax gourd flowers usually bloom at about 10:00 in the evening and bloom at 7 o'clock the next morning. The petals withered after about 2 days. According to the experience of melon farmers, the slower the petals wither, the longer they stay on the melon, the stronger the melon and the bigger the fruit. Due to the strong growth of plants, there are sufficient nutrients for the development of fruit. 3. Cultivation methods of wax gourd can be divided into three types: ground wax gourd, greenhouse wax gourd and frame wax gourd. 1. Wax gourd: the plant grows on the ground, the row spacing is sparse, generally about 300 plants are planted per mu, the management is relatively extensive, the stem vine is basically allowed to grow or the lateral vine is removed before fruiting, and grow arbitrarily after the fruit. The utility model has the advantages of less florist and lower cost. The disadvantage is that the melon type is poor and the melon is often supported; otherwise, the rate of abnormal fruit is high; the pericarp is easily damaged by the external environment, affecting storability; the utilization of light energy is low, the size of the result is uneven, and the yield per unit area is low. This method is only applicable to the gray-skinned wax gourd varieties sold on the island, but not to the northward transport or export varieties with higher commercial requirements, such as "green winter winter" and "black skin winter". 2. Greenhouse wax gourd: after drawing the vine, the plant is covered with bamboo and wood to draw the vine, which can be divided into high shed and low shed. The height of the high shed is generally 150-200 cm, the height of the low shed is 60-80 cm, and the width of the shed is 250-300 cm. Hainan melon farmers generally adopt the method of low shed. The lateral vine was removed before the plant was put on the shed, and the stem vine grew arbitrarily after it was put on the shed. The fruit setting of greenhouse wax gourd is better than that of ground wax gourd, the fruit size is more uniform, and the yield per unit area is generally higher than that of ground wax gourd. 3. Wax gourd: generally plant about 550 plants per mu, there are many forms of support. There is a "one-stop dragon": that is, each pile, at a height of 130-150 cm, is continuously fixed with horizontal bamboo; there is a "herringbone frame"; there are "one-star drum stand longan" and "four-star drum frame longan": that is, three or four bamboo poles are used to form a drum rack, and each drum rack is continuously fixed with Hengzhu. Although there are various forms of wax gourd, all of them are combined with plant adjustment to make better use of space, increase fruit setting rate and make fruit size uniform, which is beneficial to improve yield and quality, intercropping, increase multiple cropping times, and save shelf material than greenhouse wax gourd. Reduce the cost. Under the current conditions, wax gourd is a more reasonable and scientific one of the three cultivation methods. 4. Cultivation season, sowing seedlings and planting density 1. Cultivation season: wax gourd likes temperature and tolerance to heat. In order to obtain high yield, suitable climatic conditions for wax gourd fruit setting and fruit development should be selected. Climatic conditions have the greatest impact on the fruit setting rate of wax gourd, so special attention should be paid to the seasonal arrangement. Sunny weather, high temperature, high humidity and other conditions are conducive to fruit setting; dry air, low temperature and rainy days, less insect activity is not conducive to pollination; and reduce the pollination capacity of the stigma, so the fruit setting is poor. According to the characteristics of the demand for light and temperature conditions of wax gourd, in the south of Hainan, because the air temperature is more than 20 ℃ in winter and spring and there is plenty of sunshine, it can be sowed throughout winter and spring and can blossom and bear fruit normally; besides climatic factors, market factors should also be taken into account in winter gourd sowing. In order to make the cultivated wax gourd achieve the goal of high yield and high efficiency. 2. Sowing and raising seedlings: winter gourd is cultivated in spring, because it is often affected by low temperature, it is appropriate to adopt nutrition bowl to raise seedlings. The required nutrient soil should be prepared in advance, which can be made from fertile garden soil which has been baked and screened, cooked pig, cow dung residue, grain husk ash or coconut bran, etc. The volume ratio of the three is about 6:2:2, and a small amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer can be added. Generally, the amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer should be controlled at 0.2% and 0.3%, and the mixture should be fine and evenly mixed to prevent root injury. Wax gourd seeds are usually soaked in 50-55 ℃ warm water for 10-15 minutes (stirring while soaking), and then soaked at room temperature for another 10-12 hours, preferably at a temperature of about 30 ℃. Seed soaking time is longer, germination is faster and neat, one and a half to two days, most of them germinate; seed soaking time is shorter, germination potential is poor. Because of the poor permeability of the species with smooth seed coat, it is easy to cause anoxic rotten species during germination, and the germination rate is low. Therefore, for this kind of seeds, the seed coat should be scrubbed with fine sand, the adhesion should be removed, and the seed should be germinated at a constant temperature of 28-30 ℃. Before germination, rinse the seeds with clean water once a day in the morning and evening, filter out the water in time, and then continue to germinate. If there is no constant temperature equipment, it is safer to soak Sichuan and direct broadcast to the seedling bag or seedling bed. 3. The day before sowing, the nutrient soil in the bowl should be watered thoroughly, the sowing depth is 2-3 cm, and 1-2 seeds should be germinated in each bowl. The seeds should be placed horizontally or upwards, and covered with sunshade net or straw immediately after sowing. In case of cold wave or rainy weather, it is appropriate to cover with plastic film. After sowing to before emergence, pay attention to watering, but do not have too much water, in order to prevent rotting roots, just keep the soil moist. When about 70% of the seedlings emerge, the mulch should be removed in time. Properly control the moisture before the heart-breaking of the seedlings to promote the root growth; after the heart-breaking, often keep the nutritive soil in a semi-dry and semi-wet state, so that the melon seedlings grow steadily. It can be transplanted into the field in about 25-30 days. 2-3 days before planting, 10% thin human feces water and 80% Dysen zinc 800 times or 75% chlorothalonil 600 times solution can be used for transplanting with fertilizer and medicine. 4. Planting density: the planting density of wax gourd varies with variety, cultivation mode and cultivation season. The yield per unit area of small wax gourd is composed of plant number per mu, fruit number per plant and fruit weight per mu. Proper close planting can increase the yield. Most of the large wax gourd varieties have one fruit per plant, and its yield per unit area is composed of the number of plants per mu and the weight of single fruit. Therefore, proper close planting should be ensured on the basis of single fruit weight. The vine leaves of wax gourd plant grow on the ground, which is not easy to adjust and not suitable for close planting; greenhouse wax gourd is basically flat growth, which is not conducive to close planting; wax gourd can use space to grow, combined with plant adjustment and vine introduction is conducive to close planting. At present, most of the wax gourd varieties cultivated in Hainan are large varieties, which are generally cultivated in a flat shed with a width of about 350 cm (even ditch), double-row planting, plant spacing of 70-80 cm and 500 plants per mu; generally, the row spacing of wax gourd is 150 × (70-80) cm, and about 550-600 plants can be planted per mu; the general border width of wax gourd is about 400-500 cm (continuous ditch), double-row planting, plant spacing is about 80-100 cm, and 300 plants per mu. The planting density of wax gourd is also related to the level of fertilizer and water management. With sufficient fertilizer, convenient drainage and irrigation and high level of management, we should focus on growing fruit in order to strive for high yield and high quality, but not too dense. On the basis of removing all the lateral vines, the topping of the main vine can be denser than that of not topping. Fifth, select and prepare the land and apply sufficient basic fertilizer. The root system of wax gourd is very developed and the growing period is long. in order to obtain higher yield, sandy loam with deep soil layer and rich organic matter and pH value of 6-6.5 must be selected to grow in clay loam; at the same time, in order to avoid cold wave and early spring drought in winter and spring, and summer rain in later stage, it is appropriate to choose fields with north to south and convenient drainage and irrigation. Autumn wax gourd is often affected by Taiwan wind and rain, so it is appropriate to choose sloping and dry land with convenient irrigation and drainage. After the melon field is selected, ploughing and harrowing should be deeply ploughed as soon as possible, and its depth should be about 30 cm. For wax gourd cultivated in winter and spring, it is better to use late rice fields with convenient drainage and irrigation. two。 Ploughing and tanning should be done as soon as possible after late rice harvest, and ploughing and raking should be fine before planting. After soil preparation, planting rules should be planned and the border surface should be made; then, ridge should be ridged again, the width of the ridge is 80-100 cm, the height of the ridge is about 30 cm, half of the ridge is left on each side of the ridge, and there is a shallow ditch between the ridge and the half of the ridge, so as to prepare for the use of ridge and topdressing during the trailing period. The hole is planted along the ridge according to the distance between plants, with a depth of about 30 cm and a width of about 40 cm. 3. The growth period of wax gourd is long, and the root system has strong absorptive capacity, so it is necessary to apply sufficient base fertilizer. The base fertilizer is generally based on high-quality farm manure, more than 2000 kg per mu, 30-50 kg of bean cake and 40-50 kg of superphosphate, which are mixed in ditch or hole after composting, and fully mixed with the soil before sowing or planting. 4. For loam or clayey soil, 30-40 kg of ternary compound fertilizer and 15-20 kg of urea per mu can be mixed with full-layer fertilizer to meet the balanced supply of nutrients. On the other hand, the heavy sandy soil should be applied less to prevent fertilizer damage. 5. Plastic film mulching ensures high and stable yield of wax gourd. Because it can create superior cultivation environmental conditions such as temperature, light, water, fertilizer and soil, it promotes the growth and development of roots and plants of wax gourd, and reduces the harm of some diseases and insect pests, cold, drought, rainstorm and so on. Therefore, the obvious effect of increasing production can be obtained. It has been proved by experiments that the yield of winter gourd cultivated with plastic film mulching in spring is generally 30% and 50% higher than that of open field cultivation, and sometimes the yield is more than doubled in bad weather conditions. 6. The cultivation of wax gourd covered with plastic film can only be covered on the ridge. The width of plastic film is 80-120 cm, and the colors are white, black, silver gray and so on. White film warming effect is good, but weeds are easy to grow, pre-bud herbicides must be sprayed before mulching: for example, butachlor or Acetochlor, with a dosage of 75-100 ml per mu, spray soil surface with water of about 30 kg, and then cover with film; black film has a poor warming effect, but can prevent the occurrence of weeds; silver gray film can ward off aphids and reduce the occurrence and spread of virus diseases. 7. Before mulching, we must pay attention to leveling the ground, apply sufficient base fertilizer, and keep the soil moist. When covering the film, be sure to flatten the film and tighten the border guard. When planting melons after plastic film mulching, you should pay attention to drenching enough root water and cover the opening with fine soil. After that, pay attention not to make the humidity in the film too large, so as not to cause retting roots. As long as the soil is moist when covering the film, there is no need for watering within about 20 days after the seedling is moved. If there is a shortage of rice in the future, the method of furrow irrigation should be adopted, and only half of the ditch water can be irrigated. Pest control 1. The trunk just unearthed from sudden collapse is slowly rotten, constriction and seedling lodging are the fundamental conditions for root disease. 2. The root of Rhizoctonia solani is constricted and withered, and the disease does not fall. The commonly used agents for the control of sudden fall and blight are: carbendazim and Prike, and the excellent agents and formulations are: Kuke + "three torches" seedling root promoting agent. 3. Black spots appear between the stems of anthrax, the spot is round or oval, and there are small black spots in the center of the spot. The commonly used agents for the control of anthracnose are Shibao Gong and Shibaoke, and the excellent agents and formulations are Jinshineng + effervescent tablets (agricultural streptomycin) + probiotics. 4. The disease spot of downy mildew is yellowish brown, and the upward growth point of the old leaf expands continuously, the leaf surface appears chlorosis, and there is a mildew layer (white and black) on the back of the leaf. The commonly used agents for the control of downy mildew are: Leidomir and Kelu, and the excellent agents and formulations are: procyanidin + Miao GE + Jin Sanbao. 5. The vines of the blight are dark green and watery, and the leaves are fragile, and the upper part dies when it is serious. The commonly used agents for the prevention and control of blight are Anke and Redomir, and the excellent agents and formulations are: Potalin + effervescent tablets (agricultural streptomycin) + Da Sanbao. 6. Fusarium wilt is normal in the morning, and the leaves and vines contract at noon and afternoon (brown). It is a kind of soil-borne disease, which often occurs at flowering stage. The commonly used agents for the control of Fusarium wilt are Fusarium wilt and Shiduqing, and the excellent agents and formulations are: Fusarium wilt + multi-resistant root disease doctor + "three torch" seedling root promoter. 7. Green insects mainly include inchworm, nocturnal moth, Huangshou melon, melon fruit fly and other pests. The excellent medicament and formula for controlling green insects are: emperor Moth Emperor + Gao Lubao + Gao Jin. 8. The excellent insecticide and formula for the control of Liriomyza huidobrensis are: avermectin + Legote + Gao Jin. 9. The excellent agents and formulations for thrips, aphids and whiteflies to control these pests are: Regent, 20% aphids, 3% acetamiprid. seven。 The output of black-skinned wax gourd is higher, and the price plummets during the autumn harvest peak because it is on the market at the same time as all kinds of vegetables. If farmers can make use of their existing conditions for delayed storage and preservation of wax gourd, it can not only prolong the sales and supply period of wax gourd, but also greatly increase economic benefits, which is worth popularizing and utilizing. The main results are as follows: 1. The water content of wax gourd prepared before storage is high, and tender melons and overripe melons are not suitable for storage. The standard suitable for storage of wax gourd is thick skin, thick meat, dense texture, good quality, shiny green skin, covered with wax, and late-maturing large varieties. Pick when 90% are ripe. 10 days before harvest, the growing fields should stop irrigating and cut with scissors when the weather is cool (preferably in the morning), leaving the stalks of 3--5cm. Handling should be handled gently, strictly prevent scratches, bruises, strictly prevent throwing, rolling (excessive vibration, will cause internal damage to wax gourd), causing greater hidden dangers to storage. 2. The size of the storage kiln warehouse is determined by the number of wax gourd stored. Most of the farmers' own kiln storehouse is about 30 square meters, which can store 5000kg wax gourd. Most of the construction is semi-underground, that is, the height of the kiln room is about 3.5m, 1.8m above and below the surface, and there are kiln warehouse windows around, which are opposite to each other, so as to facilitate ventilation and ventilation. The kiln storehouse with this structure has the advantages of high constant temperature, cool, simple ventilation, easy to control dry humidity and so on. The wax gourd should be disinfected and sterilized thoroughly 3 days before entering the warehouse. The method is to fumigate the kiln with potassium permanganate, and then put the wax gourd into the warehouse. 3. The storage methods and matters needing attention should be selected. The ripe wax gourd with the same size and no damage should be stored in storage or shelves. Heap the wax gourd should first put on the hay or straw curtain at the bottom of the bank, and then put the wax gourd on it, generally no more than 3 layers, so as to avoid crushing damage. Frame storage of wax gourd because of good ventilation, corresponding to better than heap storage, frame storage of wax gourd should also be on the shelf covered with hay and other soft ventilation materials, and then put on the wax gourd. In the process of placement, it should be placed according to the state of wax gourd growing in the field, must not be misplaced, must be how long the field, how to put the kiln, because the pulp has adapted to its gravity direction, the original gravity direction is maintained during storage, the flesh is not easy to crack, the storage time can be longer. Wax gourd is a cold-sensitive vegetable, like temperature and heat tolerance, do not tolerate low temperature, less than 10 ℃ will occur freezing injury. The suitable temperature for storing wax gourd is 10 Mel 15 ℃, and the relative humidity is 70% Mel 75%. Therefore, during storage, especially when wax gourd enters the warehouse, attention should be paid to strengthening ventilation. When the temperature is high at noon, the storage window must be opened for ventilation, which is not only conducive to cooling and cooling, but also eliminate moisture, reduce environmental humidity and keep the warehouse dry. During the storage period of wax gourd, as long as the environmental conditions of temperature and humidity are well grasped, the wax gourd can be stored for 3-4 months or more.