
High-yield cultivation of summer and autumn coriander with sunshade net

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Parsley prefers cool climate to high temperature, and stops growing when the temperature exceeds 30 ℃. How can I grow coriander in summer? Hot summer, the first to choose a good variety of coriander, should try to choose heat-resistant, late bolting, fast-growing varieties, such as Beijing coriander, North China leaves and so on. You have to plant it.

Coriander, also known as coriander, is a umbelliferae 1-2 annual vegetables, with special flavor, seeds can extract aromatic oil, tender leaves and petioles and tender stems for people to eat, is a kind of seasoning vegetables that people like to eat Coriander likes cold climate, cold resistance and heat intolerance, suitable for spring and late autumn cultivation, summer and autumn high temperature, rain more, cultivation difficulty, and yield is very low, so few cultivation everywhere, the price is extremely high. The cultivation covered with sunshade net can effectively alleviate the adverse factors brought by high temperature and strong light, greatly improve the growth environment of coriander, significantly improve the yield and increase economic benefits, and the yield per mu can reach 750-1000 kg. 1) Select the species. Choose Shandong big leaf coriander and other varieties with higher plants, long growth period and high yield. Second, fine soil preparation, apply sufficient base fertilizer. The coriander root system is strong and suitable for loose and fertile soil. When preparing the soil, it is necessary to plough 25 cm deep, apply decomposed organic fertilizer 4000-5000 kg per mu at the same time, rake flat and fine, and make beds. The size of the beds depends on convenient operation and plot. 3. Fine sowing to ensure full seedlings 1. Seed treatment before sowing: coriander seeds are double hanging fruits, and the seeds must be rubbed open before sowing. Because coriander is a cool-loving crop, it is necessary to soak seeds at low temperature for germination in summer to facilitate germination. It can be soaked in water for 24 hours to make the seeds fully absorb, then washed and dried, put into wet bags, put into refrigerators, germinate at 8-10℃ for 5-7 days, and sow when 30% of the seeds are white. Unconditional can also be wet cloth bag with rope hanging to the deep well water surface 20-30 cm, so can also achieve the purpose. 2. Sowing: Since coriander seeds are small, they can be sown together with fine sand. Before sowing, sufficient moisture should be poured in the border, about 1.5 kg per mu. After sowing, the seeds should be covered with fine soil. The soil should not be too thick. The border surface should be covered with sparse straw. Generally, grass and other weeds should not be used to avoid overgrowth of weeds. 4. Cover the sunshade net. After sowing, immediately set up 80-100 cm high scaffolding, covering a layer of sunshade net, so as to shade and cool down, but also to prevent heavy rain. During the covering period, no matter whether it is sunny, rainy or even cloudy, there is no need to open the net. 5. Strengthen the management of growth period. Remove the mulch on the ridge surface in time after emergence. Fertilizer and water management in seedling stage, in principle, is no drought, no irrigation, less irrigation in early stage, more irrigation in late stage, mainly nitrogen fertilizer, urea, clear excrement water and other irrigation with water. In addition, foliar fertilizer can be sprayed once every 7-10 days to promote growth and increase yield. 6. Harvest at the right time. 30-40 days after emergence, when the plant is 15-20 cm high, it can be picked up and listed, and topdressing should be applied once every time.