
Green pineapple is in the wrong place. No matter how easy it is to raise it, you will get yellow leaves in a few days.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Green pineapple is a kind of plant that is easy to raise. Many flower friends have it at home, and so do I. today, I inadvertently found that my green pineapple has climbed upstairs to the balcony of my home. But why can't you keep the green pineapple that is said to be good? Actually, it's very.

Green pineapple is a kind of plant that is easy to raise. Many flower friends have it at home, and so do I. today, I inadvertently found that my green pineapple has climbed upstairs to the balcony of my home.

But why can't you keep the green pineapple that is said to be good? In fact, it is very likely that you put it in the wrong place, resulting in yellowing of the leaves. Let's take a look at the reason with the editor today.

Green radish leaves are green and glossy, looking particularly full of vigor and vitality. Raising a pot at home can add a touch of greenness to the room, delight the body and mind, and purify the air.

Green pineapple had better not be put here:

1. Throw the outdoor balcony at will

Many flower friends think that green pineapple is more leather and solid, easy to raise, so they are too careless about it and throw it into the outdoor balcony after pouring water. Green pineapple is very afraid of freezing, and it is easy to wilt when it is less than 5 ℃. If it is very cold at home, you can cover it with plastic bags to keep warm.

two。 Put it on the floor heating or the air conditioner.

Some flower friends are afraid of the cold green turnip, so they just put the green pineapple on the floor or the air conditioner, which is really a bad thing with good intentions. Floor heating or air conditioning port temperature is too high, and the air humidity is too low, for a long time, the green apple leaves will dry and curl, quickly put away.

Green pineapple had better be put here:

1. On the top of the cabinet and coffee table

Put the green apple on the top of the cabinet in the living room or on the coffee table is more appropriate, not only can ensure the scattered light environment, and green radish branches and leaves hanging down will be very beautiful, play the role of decorating the interior.

two。 By the living room window

The intensity of the sun is low in winter, and the green pineapple basks in the sun more often to ensure sufficient light, but in other seasons, it is necessary to shade properly.

Drink it for the green apple, it will grow green and fast!

1. Drink some soybean water.

Prepare a handful of soybeans, boil in boiling water for 40 minutes, cool and put into plastic buckets or empty oil buckets, then add water and a small amount of brown sugar, cover and put on the balcony. Open the lid every 3 or 5 days to release gas, and it will be ready in 2 months.

The completely retted soybean water has no bad smell, only a little sour taste. Pour out the liquid of the upper layer and dilute it with water. The ratio of soybean water to water is 1:40. The room temperature is more than 15 ℃. It can be used to water green apple once every 2 or 3 weeks.

two。 Drink some rice water.

Usually the rest of the rice washing water is collected and put into a plastic bottle, add some brown sugar to promote fermentation, cover the lid and put it on the balcony. Open the lid and deflate in 3 or 5 days, and it will be ready in 1 month.

When the Amoy rice water turns turbid and yellow, the liquid is diluted with clean water. The ratio of clean rice water to clean water is 1:30, and the room temperature is above 15 ℃ to water the green apple, once every 2 or 3 weeks.

Some flower friends say that the green pineapple raised at home never sprays water, but it is full of water droplets and glittering and translucent, which is really surprising! Did you raise a fake green apple? Congratulations to this flower friend, because she raised the green apple so well! What's going on?

Why do green apple leaves spit water?

When the transpiration of green pineapple is weakened, the water emitted from the stomata of the leaves will be reduced, but the roots are still absorbing water, resulting in that the amount of water inhaled is greater than that of scattered water. If the root of your green apple is strong, there will be strong root pressure to squeeze the excess water out of the water hole at the edge or tip of the leaf, and the green apple will spit water!

Green apple spitting water often occurs at night or in the warm and humid morning, the more water spit, the stronger the root system!

Green Luo spit water is really beautiful, oil-green leaf tips hanging crystal drops of water, people will see the mood will become very good. To raise green pineapple to the healthy state of spitting water, root cultivation is the key. The editor teaches you some tips for spitting water maintenance. Come and learn!

1. The soil should be loose and ventilated.

When preparing soil, flower friends should choose soil with strong water permeability so as not to cause rotten roots. Rotten leaf soil, coconut bran, and organic fertilizer can be prepared according to the proportion of 1:1:1. Only when the root system grows well, the green apple will spit water.

two。 Choose the green apple of ivy

When buying green pineapple, flower friends can choose longer vines, which have more roots and are easier to raise.

3. Often topdressing

If green pineapple wants to grow healthily, of course, there is no shortage of fertilizer, you can buy nutrient solution or Amoy rice water, bean cake water, nutrition to keep up, the root system grows well, do not worry about green pineapple do not spit water!

4. Don't water too much.

Too much watering will lead to stagnant water and rotten roots in the basin. Flower friends only need to water every 7 days in winter, and then often spray water on the leaves to maintain a certain amount of air humidity.