
Take a bath for flowers in autumn and jump out of the bud in 7 seconds into a flowering machine. | A complete collection of flowers

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The crisp autumn weather is simply the best time to let the flowers jump and pregnant buds. Flower friends hurry to fill the autumn fat and take a "fat bath" to ensure that your green plants such as green apple and ivy grow into waterfalls in two months, longevity flowers, crab claw orchids and other flowers.

The crisp autumn weather is simply the best time to let the flowers jump and conceive buds. Flower friends hurry to replenish the autumn fat and take a "fat bath" to ensure your.

Green pineapple, ivy and other green plants grow into waterfalls in two months, and flowers such as longevity flowers and crab claw orchids burst into pots!

Give the flower a beer bath, two months long 1 meter!

If your family's green plants, such as green pineapple, rich tree, tortoise back bamboo, copper grass, and so on, always fail to grow, take advantage of autumn, spray some beer on its leaves, and make sure to swish and climb all over the wall in three months!

1. When drinking beer, you can leave a little bottom, pour it into the cup for 2-3 days, and volatilize the alcohol.

two。 Pour the beer that has been kept for 2 days into a plastic bottle, then pour 500 times as much water and shake it evenly.

3. Pour the beer solution into a small nozzle spray can and spray it evenly on the leaves of the green plants. pay attention to spraying both the front and back of the leaves.

4. Spray 1-2 times a month, you will find that your flowers not only grow faster than before, but also the leaves are always green!

Spray some potassium dihydrogen phosphate to the flower, the bud will not stop!

Longevity flowers, crab claw orchids, rhododendrons, camellias, orchids and other flowers are now in the bud period. If you want to bloom in the future, you must spray some potassium dihydrogen phosphate on its leaves at this time!

1. Take a tablespoon of potassium dihydrogen phosphate, pour it into a fine nozzle spray can, and then pour in water equivalent to 1000 times the volume of potassium dihydrogen phosphate, shake well.

two。 Towards longevity, crab claw orchid, magnolia and other flower leaves, evenly spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate aqueous solution. Be careful that the water droplets are as thin as possible, and don't let the fat water flow into the leaf core.

3. Spray once a week for about 1-2 months, not only let longevity, crab claw orchid and other flowers grunt buds, but also promote the growth of their buds, it is not easy to get sick and freeze to death!

Give the flowers a vinegar bath, the leaves are greener and the flowers are bigger!

Southern flowers such as camellias and rhododendrons, raised in the north, are easily yellowed because the soil is too alkaline. At this time, you can spray it with vinegar, either rice vinegar or white vinegar, not only to make the leaves green, but also to prevent black spot, soot and powdery mildew.

1. Take a small tablespoon of vinegar, pour 300 times as much water, pour into a small nozzle sprinkler, shake well.

two。 Spray vinegar evenly on the front and back of the leaves of camellias, rhododendrons and other flowers, especially on the back to absorb better!

Spray once about 15 days, 9-10:00 or 3-4 p.m., not only will there be no yellow leaves after a few months, but vinegar will also make the leaves greener and flowers more, bigger and brighter.

Spray some compound fertilizer and water to the flowers, poke the roof with luxuriant leaves!

Fortune tree, Brazilian wood, peace tree, happiness tree, duck palm wood and other large green plants, although easy to raise, but want to make it not yellow, grow luxuriantly, or to take a fat bath in autumn to ensure that the leaves are green with oil!

1. Take three or five compound fertilizer granules, not too many, easy to burn flowers!

Throw it into the sprinkler, fill it with water, shake it hard and let the compound fertilizer melt.

two。 Mix the compound fertilizer and water, and spray it on the leaves and back of the rich tree, Brazilian wood, safe tree and so on. Just once every two weeks, not too often.

3. Compound fertilizer water spray large green plants, relatively safe will not burn flowers. And balanced nutrition can not only make the leaves green, but also make the roots and branches more powerful, and will not easily rot roots and attract diseases and insect pests.

Wash the peel of the flowers and slap the leaves!

Usually, when people eat apples, oranges, pears and other fruits, do not throw away the peel, throw it into a plastic bottle and put it into a plastic bottle to eat some green plants such as hanging orchid, Hongyudang, white palm, bamboo taro and so on.


1. Collect fruit peel, the more the better, there is rot to cut off do not, as long as clean fruit peel.

two。 Put the pericarp, brown sugar and water in plastic bottles according to 3:1:10 and put them on the balcony to ferment for 3 months.

3. After the fermentation is completed, pour out the liquid from the top of a small bottle cap, mix it with 1.5 liters of water, spray the foliage of flowers and plants, and use it once or twice a month to ensure that your flowers grow super prosperous!

Give the flowers a ferrous sulfate bath, the yellow leaves turn green!

Jasmine, gardenia and other flowers are often yellow leaves, which is caused by excessive alkali and lack of acid in the soil. At this time, you can give it some ferrous sulfate to ensure that it will never turn yellow again.

1. Pour a ferrous sulfate the size of a fingernail into a sprinkler, then pour in 1000 grams of water and shake it well.

two。 Spray the mixed molten iron sulfate evenly on the leaves of gardenia, jasmine and other flowers, once a week, not too thick, to ensure that the yellow leaves are not seen.

Give the flowers some grass juice fertilizer, the flowers can not see the leaves!

Green belt or field weeds, rich in phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, iron, magnesium and other nutrients, a little treatment, is a great compound fertilizer, so that your flowers blossom, the flowering period is very long!

1. When pruning the green belt, you can cut off the leaves or stems of the grass.

two。 Cut the leaves with scissors, then mash them into rotten mud with garlic mortar.

3. Mash the grass leaves, put them in a plastic bottle, pour in about 6 times as much water, and seal them in the sun.

4. Open the lid every day to get some air, and the grass juice will be ready for about a month.

5. Take out a small bottle of stewed grass juice fertilizer, mix it with about 10 times the water, spray the flower leaves with a thin-mouth spray can, once a week, the bud will rub off! It's better than the specially bought flower fertilizer!

For today's foliar fertilization, Huahua will be introduced here first.

What other foliar fertilizers have you used?

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