
Miss Li raises longevity flowers just to add it. The basin is full of beautiful flowers.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Now people's life is getting better and better, the pursuit of the quality of life is higher, and flower green planting has been more and more deep into people's life, such as green pineapple, hanging orchid, tiger skin orchid, asparagus, wealth tree and other foliage potted plants have gone deep into people.

Now people's life is getting better and better, the pursuit of the quality of life is higher, and the flower green plant has been more and more deep into people's life, such as green pineapple, hanging orchid, tiger skin orchid, asparagus, wealth tree and other foliage potted plants have gone deep into people's life, and flowering potted plants such as longevity flowers, crab claw orchids, geranium, gentleman orchids, orchids and other flowering plants are also more and more popular.

Just like the flower friend Miss Li especially likes longevity flowers, because she likes them, Miss Li raises longevity flowers, all of which are particularly gratifying. The leaves are greenish and fat, the flowers are big and many, and the pots are full of flowers. People who see them all say that the longevity flowers raised by Miss Li are beautiful.

So how did Miss Li raise the longevity flowers so well, Miss Li said, in fact, it is very simple, just add it to the basin, so what is it here?

Don't worry, this is also the theme shared today, let's take a look at it!

Miss Li raises "longevity flowers", but adds a "it", and the basin is "full" of flowers, which is beautiful!


If you pour some soybean water after autumn, the green apple in the basin will grow like crazy.

Longevity flowers usually go dormant at high temperatures in summer, so after summer high temperatures, crab claw orchids will grow again and be fully prepared for the next bloom, so in autumn, especially in mid-September, that is, now, longevity flowers must be given adequate nutrition, so that longevity flowers can have the strength to grow.

Soybeans contain a lot of protein and vegetable oil. after ripening and fermentation, soybeans will be transformed into a kind of nutritious organic fertilizer which mainly contains nitrogen fertilizer, followed by phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, which is especially suitable for the growth of longevity flowers.

The method of making soybean flower fertilizer is as follows:

Take the right amount of soybeans and soak them in clean water first. Generally, after more than 10 hours, the soybeans will absorb enough water and become fat and big. At this time, as the old people often say, we also need to soak the soybeans when we hit soymilk at home. Then we need to put the soybeans into a pot and boil them. It takes about 30 minutes to cook in an ordinary pot and 20 minutes in a pressure cooker. The way to judge is to crush it with a spoon and leave it cool for use.

Find a plastic bottle and wash it clean, then put the soybeans and boiled soy water together in a large bottle, add some insecticide, fill it to 8 minutes, cover it, put it in a warm and ventilated place, mature and ferment. It is recommended that florists use it after 6 months, first take the supernatant and mix it with 30 times the water, then you can water the longevity flowers.

It can be used twice a month, and the longevity flowers grow very well after use, and the fertilizer effect is long-lasting. Another advantage of using this kind of organic flower fertilizer to grow flowers is that it can improve the looseness of the basin soil, even if the basin is not changed, the basin soil will not harden, and it is breathable and nutritious.


Add an egg yolk to the pot and bloom the flowers for longevity.

If you want longevity flowers to bloom more, phosphate fertilizer must be indispensable, so give longevity to eat an egg yolk bar, a large pot of longevity flowers, you can eat 2, a small pot of one on it, the method of use is relatively simple.

And now it is just right to use longevity. Open an egg and only take out the egg yolk. Then divide the egg yolk into 4 parts. At the same time, poke a hole with chopsticks and put a portion of egg yolk in one hole. Is it very convenient or simple?

With watering, about 40 days, the egg yolk will decompose into organic fertilizer containing phosphate fertilizer, just for longevity flowers to blossom, the effect is who knows, great.


If you want to live longer and blossom more, other maintenance is indispensable.

1. Lighting

Longevity flower is a short-day plant, can not give it too long light, in general, about 8 small, if too much, more disadvantageous to the flowering of longevity flowers, especially to the flowering of longevity flowers, only give it 6 color 8 hours of light, other time to it all black maintenance, generally about 20 days can bloom.

Usually maintain longevity flowers, you can put it in a bright place to maintain, but can not be exposed to the sun, do not direct sunlight, put in bright light, can be maintained in a place with good wind.

2. Watering

The leaves of longevity flowers can store water and have a strong ability to withstand drought, so they do not need to be watered too much. Generally, they are watered once every 10 days, and water is not allowed to accumulate in the basin.

Flower friends, have you learned it?