
Cultivation techniques of interplanting Maize with Ginger

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Ginger belongs to shade-tolerant crops, and high temperature and strong light are disadvantageous to its growth. interplanting high-stem crops in ginger fields can make full use of the three-dimensional space of high and low crops, provide shading for ginger, improve the utilization rate of light energy, and improve the utilization rate of land. increase yield per unit area. It does not affect the output and quality of ginger.

Ginger belongs to shade-tolerant crops, high temperature and strong light are unfavorable for its growth. Interplanting tall crops in ginger field can make full use of the three-dimensional space of tall and short crops, provide shade for ginger, improve light utilization rate, improve land utilization rate and increase yield per unit area. It does not affect the yield and quality of ginger, but also increases farmers 'income. It is a simple and easy cultivation method. The specific cultivation techniques are as follows: 1. The loam with loose soil, thick soil, rich organic matter and good drainage should be selected for land selection, and the fields with previous crops without solanaceae crops and rotation for more than 3 years should be selected. 2. Variety selection ginger Select local high-quality and high-yield varieties corn Select hybrid high-quality varieties often planted by farmers 3. Cultivation method Ginger sowing time is generally from late February to early March. When planting, 3000 kg farm manure and 50 kg compound fertilizer are applied per mu. After ginger is sown, corn is interplanted in early May when the soil is wet. Corn interplanting adopts east-west pull cultivation, row spacing is 1.8- 2m, plant spacing is 30cm, hole sowing is carried out, and 2 seedlings are reserved in each hole. 4. Field management Before germination after ginger sowing, herbicide such as butachlor should be used to keep the field free of weeds. 20-25 urea per mu of ginger seedling stage? K, compound fertilizer 35? K, combined with soil cultivation. After 15 days of maize seedling, urea application per mu was 15? K, promote seedling growth, and combine intertillage weeding. Compound fertilizer 35? K, urea 40? K attack grain fat. 5, pest control ginger mainly control "ginger plague", spraying chlorothalonil or carbendazim prevention in the early stage of ginger growth. At the initial stage of the disease, Ye Kuling or Junduqing spray can be used to control it. Ginger pests have grubs, cutworms and other available phoxim spray control. Corn is mainly used to control corn borers, which can be controlled by spreading phoxim mixed with toxic soil directly into the big bell mouth.