
Pig prices are both hot and cold. Hell on one side and heaven on the other.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Pig prices are both hot and cold, after the emergence of African swine fever on both sides of hell and heaven, pig prices began to polarize at an uncontrollable speed, pig prices are ridiculously expensive in high-price areas and cheap in low-price areas.

The price of pig is both hot and cold, both sides of hell and heaven

Since the emergence of classical swine fever in Africa, pig prices have begun to polarize at an uncontrollable speed. Pig prices are ridiculously expensive in high-price areas and cheap in low-price areas. In comparison, one is like the pig price in heaven and the other is like the pig price in hell. The huge price difference makes the pig farmers in the low-price area feel uncomfortable and reluctant to sell pigs. Why is the pig price here so low?

Expert: the pig cycle may be shortened this round.

The last pig cycle ended last year, and a new one began this year. Many pig farmers are not optimistic about the pig price in the next three years, thinking that it may not be over until 2020. After all, the dark time in April this year is too terrible. The frozen pig price of 4 yuan makes many pig farmers "abandon pigs from farming."

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, pig prices have begun to rise rapidly, reaching the highest price in the 16-year Golden Pig year. Coupled with the impact of environmental protection and other factors, some small retail pig farmers have been forced to leave the market, because some experts believe that this round of pig cycle may be shortened.

There is still a chance to rise in late September.

The traditional Mid-Autumn Festival will be in about ten days, followed by the National Day. China's traditional festivals have the habit of eating meat together, coupled with the weather getting cooler, people's daily consumption of pork will also increase. After all, African classical swine fever has the most direct impact on pig farmers, for those who eat pork, the impact is minimal, only the distinction between the high and low of pork.

Finally, I hope that the friends who raise pigs can get through the trough, and the peak is waiting for everyone in front!

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