
Three wonderful ways to maintain the root of Magnolia, strong leaves, thick flowers and red flowers

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Family Flower cultivation teacher Xiaoye teaches you all kinds of flower cultivation knowledge! If you raise a gentleman's orchid, you are most afraid of not blooming. Recently, an orchid friend said that his family's gentleman orchid had been raised for 2 years, but it blossomed less and less, and he didn't know what was going on.

A Collection of Family Flowers

Teacher Xiaoye teaches you all kinds of knowledge of growing flowers!

If you raise a gentleman's orchid, you are most afraid of not blooming. Recently, an orchid friend said that his family's gentleman orchid had been raised for two years, but it blossomed less and less, and I don't know what happened. I bloomed well in the previous two years, but I haven't seen one this year. This is really strange!

If the magnolia doesn't blossom, there must be something wrong. Either the nutrition can not keep up, or the soil fertility is not enough, then, in view of such a situation, lobular here have a few tricks, orchid friends might as well try.

Trick one: change the soil

Changing the soil of Cymbidium can make the plant grow better, and the new soil will be more fertile. Soil change is generally in spring and autumn, that is, March-April, August-September is the most suitable time to change soil, flowering is not suitable to change soil. Changing soil during flowering will cause damage to the root system of Cymbidium, which can not absorb nutrients well, resulting in few flowers or even withered.

When changing soil, we should observe the root system, if there are rotten roots, diseased roots and so on, it is recommended to remove them, so that the root system can grow better, which requires special attention when changing soil.

Trick 2: replenish nutrition

If the gentleman orchid is not growing well, it must be a lack of nutrition. Therefore, when changing the basin, it is necessary to properly add a small amount of microbial agent to the bottom of the flower general fertilizer, do not hurt the root, good absorption, the flower will bloom well, the root is strong, nutrition absorption is fast, natural flowering.


That's what teacher Xiaoye explained today.

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I wish your life more and more beautiful!


For the rest of my life, there will always be flower friends on the way to growing flowers!