
Those who have hydroponic plants at home must pay attention to this.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Many flower friends have hydroponic plants in their homes, some green pineapple and some other plants. But they don't know that hydroponic plants should change water and wash their roots. So, why on earth do you want to change the water to wash its roots? We all know the oxygen.

Many flower friends have hydroponic plants in their homes, some of which are green radish, some of which are other plants. However, he did not know that hydroponic plants should be changed and their roots washed.

So why change the water and wash the roots?


We all know that plant growth requires oxygen. In the process of hydroponic plant growth, the oxygen content in the water will be less and less. At this time, it needs to be changed to increase the oxygen in the water.

Avoid toxin accumulation

In the process of growing hydroponic plants, some organic substances, toxins or wastes will be discharged like water. When these things are cultivated in soil, they will be discharged by the bottom hole of the flower pot, but hydroponic plants cannot be discharged and can only accumulate at the bottom of the bottle.

After that, it will be absorbed by hydroponic plants and then discharged. This repetition will affect the growth of plants, so it needs to be changed.

fertilizer damage

We all know that in the process of hydroponic cultivation, we will add some nutrient solution or nutrient fertilizer that can make it grow, but in fact, these plants cannot absorb all the required substances. After the plants absorb the required substances, the others will accumulate at the bottom of the bottle, thus affecting the growth of the plants, so it needs to be changed.

water pollution

Many flower friends may not know that during the growth of hydroponic flowers, some mucus will appear on the roots, which will affect its absorption of substances and pollute the water, so hydroponic plants must change water and clean its roots.

How often is it appropriate to change the water?

Under normal circumstances, about twenty to thirty days, as long as you see the water dirty, you can change it. According to the plant's ability to adapt to the environment, it should be changed regularly, some need to be changed frequently, and some need to be separated for a longer time, depending on the type and growth degree of the flower.

How often do you change the water for your hydroponic plants? Remember to clean the roots when changing the water.