
Prevention of Strawberry Diseases and insect pests in Summer and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The application of boron and iron fertilizer can improve the quality of strawberries. At present, strawberries have been put on the market on a large scale, but with the growth and harvest of strawberries, farmers ignore the application of trace elements and unreasonable use of fertilizer, resulting in the lack of trace elements needed for strawberry growth. in particular, the symptoms of boron and iron deficiency are particularly obvious, which have affected the yield of strawberries.

Summer is the high temperature season, strawberry is in the stolon occurrence period, the seedling field is often poorly ventilated because of high planting density and crowded plants, and some strawberry growers in non-seedling fields often neglect the management of strawberry fields after fruit picking. coupled with high temperature and rain in summer and high humidity, it is easy to cause strawberry powdery mildew, brown spot and leaf spot, resulting in leaf damage and affecting photosynthesis. In addition, the moist soil environment is also conducive to the occurrence of mole cricket and harm to the root system. If there is a drought in hot weather, it is easy to cause red spiders. For this reason, it is necessary to detect and control strawberry diseases and insect pests early in summer. Specific management measures are as follows: 1. When diseased plants are found at the initial stage, the diseased leaves should be cut off and burned in time, and the susceptible plants should be removed as a whole. And treated with medicine. two。 Clean the countryside, remove the old leaves and yellow leaves, carry them out of the field for treatment, and strengthen the ventilation of the garden. 3. In non-seedling fields, stolons should be removed in time to reduce nutrient consumption. Enhance the disease resistance of the plant. 4. When topdressing the seedling field, it is necessary to control the amount of nitrogen fertilizer and apply some phosphorus and potassium fertilizer properly to prevent the overgrowth of plants. 5. When the weather is dry, pay attention to proper watering to avoid soil drought. After continuous rainfall, the stagnant water in the field was eliminated in time to enhance the soil permeability. 6. Chemical control should be carried out on a sunny morning, and the leaves should be sprayed on both sides when spraying. The prevention and control of powdery mildew can be controlled by 3000 times liquid spray of 25% powder. 1000 times of methyl topiramate can be used to control powdery mildew, brown spot and leaf spot. 1000 times of dimethoate, 3000 times of permethrin or 1000 times of mites were used to control aphids and red spiders. Found that mole cricket harm, can be mixed with poison bait control, with 90% trichlorfon 30 times liquid 150 ml, add half-ripe blighted grain 5 kg, made poison valley, scattered in the mole cricket activity. Attention should be paid to the alternate use of insecticides for the control of diseases and pests to avoid drug resistance.