
Only if you are not perfunctory to yourself, life will not be perfunctory to you.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The brain starts to listen to the sound of the night with you! It is not enough to pay attention to a person in this life, he should also have a poetic world. The accelerated pace of life makes it difficult for us to adapt. I'm going to be late for work, so I'll make do with breakfast.

Brain hands-on

Listen to the sound of the night with you!


It is not enough for a person to have this life.

He should also have a poetic world.

The accelerated pace of life makes it difficult for us to adapt.

I'm going to be late for work, so I can make do with breakfast; the subway is too crowded to make do with clothes; the boss is so strict that I can make do with my work.

If this is the case, our lives will come to an end.

Looking back, life is hard enough, why not stretch it out?

Please don't forget to reward yourself with your quality of life.

And the quality of life is not out of reach, not in the amount of money, but in little things, in your attitude towards life.

The real quality of life is never far away from the world.

You don't have to have a lot of things to ask for in your life; there are fireworks in the world.

We are tired of life, but we are confined to day and night, kitchen and love.

The kitchen, which is full of temptation and sensational place, carries too much sadness and joy.

When you are happy, turn the taste of happiness into heart-warming soup.

When you are sad, put the sadness into the pot and boil it and dissipate with the white water vapor.

There is nothing that cannot be solved with one meal. If not, have two meals.

Whether it's braised meat made by my mother, fish soup cooked by my father, noodles cooked by my lover, dumplings made by my grandmother.

No matter when and where I think of it, I can arouse the tenderness and sweetness from the bottom of my heart.

One vegetable, one meal, all life, one spoonful of food, all love.

It is better to read a good book than to browse through moments a thousand times.

Before we know it, we are all kidnapped by our mobile phones. The first thing we do in the morning is to turn on our phones, habitually swipe our moments, watch dramas when we eat, and check Weibo before we go to bed.

If you forget to take portable battery with you when you go out one day, you will feel like you have lost your soul.

But we forget that the days before were so slow and beautiful when we were at school.

Reading is to meet a better self.

Let go of the impetuosity in my heart and turn up a good book I haven't seen for a long time.

Maybe the sun is shining and the setting sun is just right; maybe it's the late night wind that awakens the closed heart; or maybe it's just a conversation and some thinking.

The book is right in front of you. Just pick it up and read it.

The house can be rented, but life is not.

Home is our haven.

Here, we use the most comfortable posture to be ourselves.

For young people who rent in big cities, they may not be able to bear the pressure of buying a house, so they can only live in rented housing temporarily, which is noisy and messy.

Even in such a place, it is not only a place to live, but also a "home" of its own.

The decoration is expensive, but the fun is free.

No matter how many flowers you choose from the florist, match them with carefully selected vases to make the whole family lively and fragrant.

Or buy some furniture, buy some lovely furnishings, make the room look like you want it to be.

At least, can be in a small world, to create a romantic belonging to the family.

Whether you have a home or not does not depend on whether you have a house. Because the house is a thing, but the home is connected to the heart.

A tour takes thousands of likes, it is better to have a trip.

Like that sentence very much, soul and body, there must be one on the road.

Put on your backpack, see scenery you've never seen before, and do things you haven't done before.

Go to the misty rain south of the Yangtze River, explore the spring breeze ten miles; go to the northwest desert, drink a glass of spirits do not get drunk.

Measure the length of the world with your feet and perceive the breadth of the world with your eyes.

Stay in a hostel, visit the local market, and try their life once.

Write a trip by hand and leave the best written memories.

Escape from mediocre daily life and look at poems and distances.

When you walk more roads, enjoy more scenery, and experience a period of mental baptism, you will know better--

What is the ideal self, what is the ideal quality of life.

Fitness changes not only your appearance, but also your state

People who are not fit seem to make no difference at first.

But over the years, year after year, fitness people are in good shape and full of vitality. People who don't keep fit are out of shape and look depressed.

In a few years, the gap will become more obvious. A great distinction has emerged between physical and mental states.

When they are old, some people are still at a brisk pace, while others become regulars in the hospital and need to be taken care of.

This is why many women are still young and beautiful in their forties and fifties.

They not only control their diet, but also exercise.

You can't even control your figure, how to control your life.

No matter how busy you are, you have to exercise, no matter how tired you are, because fitness changes not only externally, but also your requirements and intransigence to the quality of life.

Every penny you spend is voting for the life you want.

Spending money can show a person's attitude towards life.

Someone bought seven or eight cheap clothes in the online store, but when they got them, they had few clothes to wear.

Some people live frugally in order to buy a fine dress, a brand bag and a high-priced lipstick.

If you are willing to pay for the beauty and romance, you deserve the beauty and romance.

The wardrobe is not as exquisite as a whole, because these things are a vision of life, and one day, it will be worth living a richer life.

Only if you are not perfunctory to yourself, life will not perfunctory you.

Of course, life is not just about beautiful clothes, but also about inner improvement.

If you sign up for a foreign language class, learn a new skill and invest in yourself, you will have a better future.


In the eyes of many people, "quality of life" is a lofty and extravagant thing.

They think that spending a lot of money and being able to afford it is the quality of life.

The sentence of Mr. Qian Zhongshu is closer to the original meaning of "quality of life". He said:

"take a bath, look at a flower, eat a meal, if you feel happy, it is not all because the bath is clean, the flowers bloom well, or the dishes are to your taste, mainly because you have nothing on your mind."

With one heart and one mind, only please yourself.

The quality of life has nothing to do with money, it is an attitude.

May you return to yourself and have such a life.

-- END--

Everything is wonderful, there is a praise mall in the flower school.

There are flowers and love, a school of flowers