
Raise succulent plants and water them every day? You can't do this. It's easy to rot.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, A novice flower friend asked, do you need to water succulent plants every day? Of course, succulent plants can not be watered every day, just like aloe vera usually raised at home is a succulent plant, most people raise it to death because of frequent watering. Generally succulent and short of water.

A novice flower friend asked, do you need to water succulent plants every day? Of course, succulent plants can not be watered every day, just like aloe vera usually raised at home is a succulent plant, most people raise it to death because of frequent watering. In general, the performance of succulent and lack of water is that the whole leaves will wrinkle, which is the situation of lack of water, but it is also because I am raised with pure granular soil, and if I use peat soil, I do not have to water it every day.

Another flower friend shared that succulent plants cannot be watered every day. In my experience, succulent plants or flowers should not be taken too seriously. We know that succulent plants generally grow slowly. Only by controlling water, sunshine and proper temperature can we ensure the shape and color of plants. If you water too much, you will definitely rot roots as soon as the temperature is low. If the temperature is high, it will grow.

Succulent plants avoid stagnant water most, especially in summer, growers will feel that the moisture in the soil will soon dry, so often watering, resulting in long-term wet rot of the roots, it is difficult to return to the sky. In fact, there are many Rain Water in summer and the air is moist. Although the surface of the soil seems to be dry, the bottom is still not dry, especially in the south. For winter-type succulent plants, watering should be strictly controlled in summer, and water cut-off can be considered for more than 35 ℃.

Even if it is watered, it is only necessary to wet the soil surface around the plant to ensure that the plant can survive the summer. At the same time, we need to pay attention to watering to avoid sprinkling water droplets on the leaves. If there are obvious water droplets remaining in the leaves, they should be blown away so as not to gather strong light to burn the leaves.

In spring, the air humidity in the south is generally high, while the weather in the north is still cold, so there is no watering or less watering in principle. The sun is strong in summer and the water in the basin soil evaporates fast. in order to prevent the basin soil from being too high and the soil temperature is too high, we can generally grasp the principles of "no dry, no watering" and "dry thoroughly", but we can't pour it at noon. The temperature turns cold gradually in autumn, the plant begins to enter the dormancy period, the watering water should be reduced, the basin soil is not dry and thoroughly irrigated, it can be slightly moist.

In order to cultivate succulent plants like cactus, we must pay attention to watering. As most succulent plants are native to tropical and subtropical regions, they are forced to adapt to the arid desert climate and form the characteristics of dry and wetting. Although they like to be dry, it does not mean that they do not need watering, in fact, they are not really short of water, but should be flexibly controlled according to climate change throughout the year.

Here is a gathering place for succulent plant lovers, sharing succulent maintenance skills, welcome to follow and exchange.