
There are three fears in growing radish

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The root epidermis of radish appears horizontal filamentous black lines and becomes rough, and the internal tissue changes color and deteriorates in severe cases. The main reasons are lack of boron, excessive chloride ion, high groundwater level, poor drainage, and the application of undermature fertilizer. Therefore, planting in low-lying land should be avoided; no or less chlorine-containing compounds should be applied, and boron fertilizer should be increased. ...

Afraid of hard soil. Radish is a vegetable that likes soft and hard. In addition to the continuous cropping soil of cruciferous vegetables, the cultivated soil also requires deep soil, soft soil and convenient drainage and irrigation, so that the radish will have good quality and high yield. I'm afraid that fertilization is unreasonable. Radish likes heavy base fertilizer and less topdressing. Base fertilizer is generally 65 kilograms per 667 square meters with rapeseed cake, 50 kilograms of plant ash and 20 kilograms of calcium superphosphate. After application, it is turned into the soil surface, and then 250 kilograms of human feces are poured into the soil surface every 667 square meters. Turn the soil after drying, so that it can be fully mixed and evenly mixed with the soil surface before sowing. Afraid of drought. If the water supply is insufficient, the radish fleshy root skin is thick, the meat is hard, the spicy taste increases, and the yield is low. The field where radish is planted is required to be moist before sowing. In case of dry weather, early-maturing varieties can generally be irrigated once before sowing, shallow irrigation, and then sow after the topsoil is dry. After sowing, some straw is properly covered to prevent excessive evaporation of water. Radish seedlings need less water, if the border soil is not too dry, do not need watering, fleshy roots begin to expand and strong, until 4-5 days before harvest, radish should be supplied with more sufficient water, so that the soil to maintain 70%-80% moisture. Watering is usually carried out in the morning or evening. In times of drought, water is watered every 1-2 days.