
Eight kinds of small berries that can be cultivated in the yard or on the balcony are planted and can be eaten in four seasons.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, If you want to raise a small perennial orchard on the balcony, growing berries is a good choice. You can choose some cold-resistant, easy to cultivate, strong resistance to diseases and insect pests, the following small berries have a great ability to adapt to the environment.

If you want to raise a small perennial orchard on the balcony, growing berries is a good choice. You can choose some cold-resistant, easy to cultivate, strong resistance to diseases and insect pests, the following small berries are very adaptable to the environment, like adequate light and ventilated environment, properly maintained can harvest fruit in four seasons.


If you plant berries on the balcony, avoid being eaten by birds when the fruit is ripe. Also keep in mind that most berry shrubs prefer slightly acidic soil. before planting, you should test the pH value of the soil and configure the soil yourself for pot conservation.

1. Raspberry

Raspberries used to be a delicious wild fruit, but now there are many varieties of horticulture. They can thrive even in the worst environment, and they are very easy to grow. It should be cultivated for 3 or 4 years before the fruit, the raspberry should be protected with sufficient light, and the soil should be well drained and slightly acidic. The environment should be ventilated and transparent to avoid fungal diseases.

two。 Black vinegar millet

This kind of fruit can be cultivated by almost everyone. It has strong cold resistance and is very delicious. It likes slightly acidic soil and can grow well in neutral soil. The cultivation environment should be loose, permeable and well drained, and the cultivation environment should be kept cool and moist. During cultivation, you can cover the bottom of the rhizome with a mulch 3 to 5 centimeters thick to keep the roots cool.

3. Blueberry

Many people like blueberries. They taste delicious. It can also be used to make salads or pies. Planting blueberry should choose slightly acidic soil to maintain high fertility, the most suitable pH value of soil is between 4.0 and 5.5, if the soil is partial to alkali, it needs to be improved properly, ferrous sulfate solution should be supplemented regularly, and the environment should have sufficient light.

4. Liriodendron fruit

They are originally a flowering shrub growing in North America. They taste very sweet and are suitable for growing in neutral soil. The cultivation environment should have sufficient light, the soil should maintain good drainage, and they can grow well without frequent watering.

5. Gooseberry

Gooseberry is a very popular berry plant, which can be cultivated all over the world. the cultivation of gooseberry needs to choose loose, fertile and well-drained soil, and the cultivation environment should have more than 8 hours of direct light. At the beginning of planting, it is best to choose shrubs that are more than two years old, which generally take about 4 or 5 years to blossom and bear fruit.

6. Mulberry

Mulberry is a plant that grows easily. In fact, it is the fruit of mulberry trees. Mulberry maintenance is particularly simple, she likes a warm and humid environment all the year round, the cultivation location should be ventilated and transparent, there should be as much light as possible every day, and watering should be controlled in winter. His berries are green at the beginning of ripening and turn purple after ripening. Be careful not to eat too much.

7. Strawberry

Strawberries are one of the most famous and popular berries in the world. They usually look very beautiful in spring and summer, and the flowers and small berries are very attractive.

To cultivate strawberries, you need to give loose, breathable and well-drained slightly acidic soil, water regularly and keep the soil moist. Do not plant too many strawberries in each flowerpot. It is not good to be overcrowded. Keep enough light every day and give organic liquid fertilizer every two or three weeks.

8. Blueberry

Blueberry is originally a cold-tolerant berry plant growing in the north, and its small berries are rich in vitamin c.

Blueberry is a very low, slow-growing evergreen shrub, somewhat similar to blueberries. But the cultivation of blueberries should be relatively cold environment, it will not grow well in warm and dry environment, it needs very cold winter and moist soil to thrive.

If you are cold all the year round, you can cultivate blueberries, which can resist the cold temperatures in the northeast, but the disadvantage is that they grow very slowly and generally take more than five years to bear fruit.