
Autumn, yellow leaves fall off, give him some yogurt, second, pretty son leaves green

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The friends who have cultivated asparagus are all impressed by its slender and refined charm. Its leaves are slender and beautiful, dense like feathers, layers of green clouds, elegant plant shape, deeply loved by people, and it is also a famous indoor leaf flower. Autumn...

Friends who have raised asparagus are all impressed by its slender and refined charm. Its leaves are slender and beautiful, dense like feathers, green clouds layer upon layer, elegant plant shape, deeply loved by people, and it is also a famous foliage flower in the room. Autumn is coming. Recently, many flower friends said that the leaves of asparagus at home began to turn yellow and kept falling off, which affected the ornamental value. What is the reason?

The main reasons for the yellowing and falling off of the branches and leaves of asparagus are as follows. The basin soil is impermeable; without fertilization for a long time, the basin soil is barren, and the branches and leaves fall off naturally; too much or too little watering; placed in strong light or shade for a long time or indoor air is not smooth and so on. These are the only factors that cause the yellow leaves of asparagus. If you find that there is something wrong with the asparagus at home, you can prescribe the right medicine for these aspects. In autumn, how can we make the article lush and full of vitality?

When many flowers are raised for a year or several months, the basin soil is easy to harden due to the watering of tap water or the use of chemical fertilizer for a long time, which will affect the growth of plant roots and make plants grow poorly. Well, when we usually maintain asparagus, the best water for asparagus is tap water or Rain Water, which has been standing for a day. When watering, a few drops of vinegar can be added every month to effectively prevent soil salinization.

In addition, we can also spread a thin layer of pine needle soil on the potted soil of asparagus. This pine needle soil can provide some nutrients to asparagus, and slight acidity can also help to improve the salinization of basin soil. With the growth of asparagus, the nutrients of potted soil will be absorbed by the root system. In order to grow more handsome, asparagus should be fertilized every 7 days in autumn.

Different flower friends have different ways of topdressing. One flower friend watered asparagus with fermented milk and grew luxuriantly because fermented milk is rich in nutrients. Generally speaking, we raise asparagus indoors. If we water asparagus with fermented milk, it is easy to grow bacteria and worms. If there are old people and children at home, it is not recommended to use such homemade organic fertilizer to water flowers. You can choose the organic nutrient solution completely fermented by microorganisms, the fertilizer effect is the same as the self-made organic fertilizer, safe and environmentally friendly, and you can rest assured to use it at home.

In autumn, the humidity in the air will be relatively low, especially the flower friends in the north, asparagus will yellowed and fall off when they encounter dry air. Sooner or later, we can spray asparagus to increase the humidity of the air and make it green. But the frequency of watering can not be frequent, avoid stagnant water in the basin, see that the basin soil is dry and then irrigated. Beginners can use the flower and plant detector to help insert into the basin soil, through the mobile phone can basin soil moisture, fertility and humidity numerical changes, simple and convenient.

Asparagus symbolizes "eternity" and "Tian Chang Di Jiu (Eternal Dumpling)". It is more suitable for giving lovers and relatives and friends. Keep a basin of beautiful text and give it to him.