
She moved Bali into her home with three secrets. It's easy to save money, and you can learn it.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Hangzhou has just entered autumn these days, it is gloomy and cool, without the feeling of crisp autumn in the north, it is not lovely at all. At this time, if there is no sunshine and vitality at home, it is really "sad and lonely every autumn". Therefore, peony is the most.

Hangzhou has just entered autumn these days, it is gloomy and cool, without the feeling of crisp autumn in the north, it is not lovely at all. At this time, if there is no sunshine and vitality at home, it is really "sad and lonely every autumn".

Therefore, recently, Paeonia lactiflora especially wants to change the family and change the mood. Peony doesn't like to make a big fight. Without knocking on the wall or painting, is there any way to make a forest-like home with simple elements?

According to this standard, Shaoyao has found a good imitation. The home of foreign travel designer Erika Carlock is very simple, but it gives people the feeling of vacationing in Bali. It is easy to learn if you like fried chicken.

Each New Day

Cast Away The Clouds

Rose Melberg


{Shaoyao girl Vol.877}


Move the rainforest into the house

"there are white walls on all sides of my house. I don't think we can change it into a tropical rain forest wind, right?"

Of course not, derogatory! Erika Carlock's home also has four white walls, and there is no color painting or large flower wallpaper to improve the value of foreign style. Only use plants and simple elements to build a small home into a tropical rain forest, which can be changed immediately at a glance!

Tall plantains and palms

Equipped with a couch and hollowed-out iron tables and chairs

Make the courtyard look like Bali lodgings.

The cured and colorful living room

A little holiday style in the warm oil

Lying on the sofa and closing your eyes is the island coconut grove.

Well, ten thousand points of satisfaction.

The room is also a white wall.

Orange and pink bed products, soft and not too pink

I want to jump on it immediately after seeing it.

The droplet-shaped mirror is both decorative and practical.

Compared with big projects that need to change style by painting walls or even smashing walls, the Erika Carlock method saves time and money.

After a careful study of her home, peony shows the secret of her decorative style, mainly in these three places: color matching, plant collocation, style individual decoration.

What if you want to turn your dreary home into a rainforest style like Erika Carlock?

/ Color matching /

The color collocation of home is the same as flower arrangement, which needs to be divided into dominant color and emphasis color. In the home, the main color refers to the largest metope color, while the emphasis color is shown from small colors such as furniture and furnishings.

The main color and emphasis color in the home generally follow the principles: the main color is light, the main color depth is light, and the emphasis color is generally no more than three, so as to avoid the conflict caused by too many visual colors.

Light color matching scheme: main color white + emphasis color blue, brown

The main color of Erika Carlock is white.

White curtains, cabinets, flowerpots in the living room

It is also one of the main colors.

In the accent color

She chose the less saturated blue and brown

The floor and chairs are brown and the sofa is blue

The proportion of the two colors is similar.

It doesn't look monotonous or too messy.

Change white to other light colors such as pink,

Colors such as light gray are also applicable.

Dark color matching scheme: main color dark gray + emphasis color white, yellow

If the walls are retro dark gray, dark green and other colors

The emphasis color is usually brighter white.

Beige similar to white can be used for home floor.

The brightness of the space can be adjusted so that the atmosphere will not be too depressed.

If you add one or two lively colors

Use furnishings, hanging pictures to add yellow, gold, etc.

It can light up the color of the whole house.

/ plant collocation /

Why do other people's plants feel like a tropical rain forest, but you have become a community green belt? Plants are not bought casually, green plants need to be matched with high and low, flower arrangement in vases should pay attention to style and color, flowerpots and vases are also fastidious.

Green plant collocation

Tall tropical plants with medium-and low-type green plants can make your home look like a harmonious botanical garden.

Medium and high type green plants are suitable to be placed in corners or by cabinets or sofas.

Not taking up space can solve the embarrassment of the dead corner.

Erika Carlock's living room has taller tropical plants.

Such as loose-tailed sunflower, Qin leaf banyan, dragon blood tree and so on.

Sunflower with loose tail

Ficus chinensis

Dragon blood tree

Measuring ruler and plantain plants

There is also a lot of feel~ in the room.

Green plant of medium and low type

Suitable for direct display on cabinets and windowsills

Or put it on the wall and hang it up.

There are many ups and downs.

Tortoise back bamboo and green apple bamboo taro have their own patterns.

Elegant ferns, cactus, etc.

They're all good choices.

Sometimes the plants are right and the flowerpots are wrong.

It still looks weird.

Tall plants can choose Ikea's Floyd basket.

There are also numerous copies on a treasure, and the quality is not poor.

Cement pots or white ceramic pots

You can't go wrong no matter how you build it.

Small red pottery pots and simple ceramic pots

It's quite common and very versatile.

Selection of flower arrangement in vase

Bottle flower arrangement has the effect of finishing touch on the whole space, and a small bottle can bring people a full sense of happiness. In the home style of rain forest style, it is more suitable for flowers with bright colors and strange shapes.

Bright yellow with large flowers

Such as sunflowers, chrysanthemums, needle cushion flowers are very suitable.

Candles and orchids with special shapes

If you insert two at random, it will look good.

Large clumps of flowers, such as dahlia and peony.

You can put a lot of it in.

In the choice of vases, the combination of vases is the most convenient.

The collocation and recommendation of combined vases have been written before.

The golden bottle is elegant and fashionable.