
Planting and Management of Cherry Tomato in Spring

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, As a variety of tomato, cherry tomato is more and more welcomed by consumers. In order to achieve the goal of high yield when cherry tomato is planted in spring, it is necessary to do a good job of planting and management. 1. The planting time of cherry tomato in spring cultivation is generally arranged in February to March, and there is no seed in 3 years.

Cherry tomato, as a variety of tomato, is more and more popular with consumers. In order to achieve high yield of cherry tomato planted in spring, planting and management should be done well. 1. Soil preparation and planting cherry tomato planting time in spring cultivation is generally arranged in February to March, and the land with no solanaceous vegetables planted within 3 years, convenient irrigation, good ventilation and strong ability of water and fertilizer conservation is selected for planting. Before planting, soil preparation should be carried out, and deep furrow cultivation should be adopted. The width of the furrow is generally 1.3~1.4 meters and the height is about 30 cm. When preparing the soil, sufficient base fertilizer should be applied. 4000~5000 kg of decomposed farm manure, 1000~1500 kg of human excrement, 25 kg of calcium superphosphate or 30 kg of compound fertilizer should be applied per mu. When planting, plant 2 rows per plot, plant spacing 40 cm, planting about 2500 plants per mu. After planting, root watering should be fixed, and the first watering should be thoroughly watered. Second, fertilizer and water management After planting, water according to the weather conditions, generally do not water. After survival, tilling and loosening soil in time to promote slow seedling. After slow seedling, do not water squatting seedling, promote root system to tie down. Vigorous growth period depending on soil moisture timely irrigation, keep the soil moist. Pay attention to drainage in rainy days. Plant growth later appropriate soil. After the first ear fruit is stable, apply fertilizer every 10 days, thin fertilizer and frequent application, and apply decomposed cake fertilizer 20kg or compound fertilizer 10kg per mu each time. Third, the whole vine cherry tomato needs to be trimmed and tied. When the seedling height is 30~40 cm, it starts to tie the vine. The height of the support is 2 meters, and the vine is tied once every 15~20 cm. Single culm pruning method is adopted, only main branches are reserved, and 1~2 leaves are reserved for topping of lateral branches. Plant growth in the middle and late release branches, that is, do not have to prune, so that the upper part of the plant can grow normally fruit.