
Sunshine is beneficial to pollination and fertilization of litchi and longan.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Experimental research and production practice have proved that the pollination of litchi at flowering stage is the guarantee of high yield of litchi, and the honey brewed by bees collecting pollen is also a natural health food for human beings. In order to prevent bee poisoning and honey pollution, ensure that there are enough workers to collect nectar, improve the effect of pollination and protect human health.

Sunshine is beneficial to litchi and longan pollination and fertilization, pay attention to timely fruit protection, control pedicle borer and other diseases and insect pests in early April, the low temperature in early April has a great impact on the flowering of late-maturing litchi and longan, due to lack of light, low temperature, bees do not go up to trees, high air humidity, anthers do not crack, pollen can not pop out or can not float in the atmosphere, which has an impact on pollination and fertilization. Over the past few days, the sun is shining, which is very conducive to pollination and fertilization of litchi and longan. At present, the main work of the orchard is to ensure normal pollination and fertilization, timely fruit protection, and good prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. Early-maturing litchi: effectively prevent pedicel borer March Red, White Sugar and other early-maturing litchi is in the flowering stage, young fruit growth period, the main work is to protect fruit in time and pay attention to the damage caused by pedicel borer. ① prevents retting. Shake off the residual flowers in time, leaving room for young fruit to grow, which can reduce the occurrence of germs. ② spray in time to protect fruit. When the young fruit is not yet big, you can spray some foliar fertilizer such as agricultural nucleotides. When the young fruit has been divided into different sizes or after the female flower has been withered for 10 days, spray the fruit-protecting medicine for the first time, such as fruit protection, etc., and spray once every 30 days. At present, some orchards are sprayed for the first time, while some early flowering orchards are sprayed for the second time. ③ can control stem borer in time. Make a good forecast and spray in time. Spraying pesticide for the first time when the adult Eclosion rate is nearly 40%, spraying again every 5 times in 7 days, and spraying 2 mi 3 times in a row can effectively control stem borer. ④ can control diseases such as Phytophthora and anthracnose. Timely drainage, shoveling, thinning and spraying after rain. Orchards without flowers in ⑤ can be pruned to cultivate new branch groups and expand the crown to prepare for next year's fruit. Mid-ripe litchi: spraying to protect young fruit Shuidong, black leaves, Feizixiao and other middle-ripe litchi is in the late flowering stage or young fruit growth period, the main work is to protect fruit, control diseases and insect pests. ① prevents retting. Shake off the Rain Water on the residual flower or spike in time to ensure that the spike has space and less water. ② attracts bees to help pollinate. Litchi flowers are rich in nectar, which attracts bees to collect honey in sunny weather to help pollinate. ③ artificial pollination. In the current weather, if manpower is available for artificial pollination, attention should be paid to controlling the time within 30 minutes during the operation, otherwise it will not only fail to help pollination and fertilization, but also inhibit pollen tube germination due to long pollen fluid time, thus affecting fertilization. ④ should pay attention to the damage caused by stem borer, and it is best to control the occurrence of insect pests at the initial stage in order to reduce spraying and increase yield. ⑤ guarantees the fruit. Foliar fertilizers such as 1 Mel agricultural nucleotides or cyan cytokinins can be sprayed twice before the size of the young fruit. When the young fruit is divided into different sizes, spray the fruit once and spray it again every 30 days. ⑥ fertilization. It is necessary to decide whether to apply fertilizer according to the amount of results and the level of management. Compound fertilizer can be applied once in orchards with large amount of flowers and fruit. ⑦ is used to control diseases. In orchards that are shaded or prone to diseases, when the temperature rises after rain, spray pesticides once. Late-maturing litchi: to ensure pollination and fertilization of late-maturing litchi such as Nuomi, Guiwei, Huaizhi and other late-maturing litchi is in flowering stage, the main work is to ensure pollination and fertilization, pay attention to the occurrence of diseases and insect pests. ① ensures that pollination and fertilization can be carried out normally, attracting bees or artificial pollination. ② prevents retting. Shaking off Rain Water and residual flowers on the ear in time, reducing the moisture on the ear and making room for fruit setting and reducing diseases are good. ③ controls diseases and insect pests. Old orchards or orchards planted in lowlands should be drained in time, clean up dead branches and leaves, properly thinning branches, and some quicklime should be sprinkled appropriately in orchards with sticky soil. In orchards with litchi felt disease, diseased branches, diseased leaves and diseased flowers should be cut off and burned, and then mites should be sprayed. ④ spray to protect fruit. When the young fruit is not divided into different sizes, agricultural nucleotides should be sprayed once to increase the photosynthetic efficiency of the pericarp and keep the young fruit green. After dividing the size of the young fruit, spray the fruit-protecting medicine for the first time: the fruit is protected. ⑤ physical carving to protect fruit. After the rain stops, the orchard that is spirally peeled in winter can be re-peeled if the wound has healed. In the early flowering stage, the orchard with ring cutting and fruit protection is used and should be cut again every 20 minutes and 25 days. ⑥ applied foliar fertilizer to improve the photosynthetic ability of leaves. Longan: attracting flies to help pollinate longan is in flowering, full bloom, the main work is to protect fruit and prevent retting flowers. ① attracts insects to help pollinate. Longan bisexual flowers are more than litchi, there is no lack of pollen in the air under normal weather conditions, but with the help of insects pollination, fruit will be higher. Pile up chicken droppings or garbage in the orchard, or bury dead fish and shrimp shallowly to attract flies to help pollinate. ② sprays foliar fertilizer to protect fruit. Longan has large spikes and many buds, which consumes a lot of nutrients during flowering, which is disadvantageous to the growth of young fruits, so spraying agricultural nucleotides or other foliar fertilizers once within 7 days after female flowers are shed can promote the development of young fruits. ③ spray to protect fruit. In adverse weather conditions, longan should also be sprayed with some fruit-preserving medicine, such as longan fruit protectant or fruit depot, and so on. ④ cleans the garden in time to drain water, and the orchards without flowering or Xiehua can control anthracnose by spraying pesticides for disease prevention once after stopping rain.