
How to plant autumn sweet potato in a rush

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Sweet potato is vulnerable to underground pests, forming insect pathways, so that sweet potato rot, reduce the quality, serious can not be eaten, resulting in reduced production and loss of harvest. In production, the following methods can be taken in time for poisoning control in order to improve yield and quality. 1. During the rapid expansion of sweet potato, 25-30-fold phosphorus was applied to the root every 10-15 days.

The whole growth period of autumn sweet potato is short, the requirement of soil fertility is not strict, and the cultivation and management is simple. It is a short-term and efficient product in autumn crops. The use of medium rice fields and water destroyed fields, free fields to grow autumn sweet potatoes, generally can yield about 1000 kg per mu of sweet potatoes. Choose a good seed. Generally, varieties that can be planted in a large area can be used as seedlings of autumn potatoes. However, after "the Beginning of Autumn", the temperature gradually decreased and the effective growth time was short. as far as possible, early maturing and high yield varieties with strong stress resistance, vigorous rattan leaves, early tuber, rapid root expansion, high yield and good quality should be selected. At present, the excellent varieties suitable for cultivation in our province are: edible variety Xiangshu 15, Xiangshu 17, Xiangshu 19, stem tip vegetable variety Xiangshu 18, high starch variety Ys86, Ys14, Xushu 22, purple potato variety Zijinshu 1-3, fruit sweet potato yellow rose. It is too early to lose when it is too late. Autumn sweet potatoes are generally required to be planted in "the End of Heat". Any soil that arranges to plant autumn sweet potatoes should be planted as early as possible if it is not subject to the restriction of the former land. If you have previous crops, you should harvest previous crops and plant sweet potatoes at the same time, so as to strive for early planting. Planting sweet potatoes in early and middle rice fields should be ditched and drained after scattered seeds, deep ditches should be opened immediately after harvest, narrow compartments, and planting potatoes should be prepared. To ensure smooth drainage and prevent wet damage. Reasonable close planting. Due to the short growth period and poor ontogeny of autumn sweet potato, it mainly depends on the yield increase of the population, so the density should be appropriately increased to 5000 plants / mu. The planting of autumn potatoes is in the season of high temperature and strong sunshine. Planting in the evening on cloudy or sunny days should be selected and watered thoroughly after transplanting to ensure survival. Strengthen management. Autumn potato is generally intertilled twice, the first intertillage is carried out after the survival of potato seedlings, the depth of intertillage should be about 7 cm, combined with the application of mature human feces and urine or available nitrogen fertilizer to promote seedling growth and early tuber formation. The second intertillage was carried out about 20 days after planting, and compound fertilizer was applied once according to the growth of potato seedlings. After intertillage, the soil should be cultivated and the edge of the ridge should be repaired. Autumn sweet potatoes should be irrigated 1-2 times in case of long-term drought, and more ploughing should be done in places with insufficient water sources, or more grass should be laid and organic fertilizers should be applied. Irrigation should generally be carried out in the morning or evening, the approximate depth of irrigation should be 2 beat 3 of the ridge height, and the irrigation time should not exceed 4 hours. Irrigate the soil once and loosen the soil one time to prevent water evaporation. The stems and leaves of autumn sweet potato are tender and vulnerable to Spodoptera litura, Spodoptera litura and Golden Flower insect. If there is any harm to the above-mentioned insect pests, it should be sprayed in time.