
Technical points of harvesting asparagus with mother stem

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Asparagus stem blight is a destructive disease, known as "asparagus cancer". Once you get stem blight, the yield will be reduced, and if it is heavy, the garden will be destroyed and the harvest will be destroyed, resulting in huge losses to the majority of bamboo shoot farmers. Affected by SARS in 2003, the price of asparagus is low, many bamboo shoot farmers give up management, the occurrence of stem blight is more serious, at the same time asparagus field.

According to the technology, different harvesting methods are adopted according to different field growth conditions, the field blocks with weak growth of vegetative bodies on the ground harvested in the first year must be reserved first and then harvested; and the field blocks with good growth in the first year and harvested for many years must be reserved first. 1, select the mother stem: when the tender stem grows to 15-20cm, select the tender stem with a diameter of about 1 cm, no bending, no damage, and evenly distributed around the tree disk as the mother stem, the number of mother stems per hole can be 3-8 plants according to its growth years, so that it can grow healthily. 2, stem coating disease prevention: When the tender stem grows to 20-40cm, use 1:20 times of Fangkuling or asparagus green to coat the stem from the base of the plant, when the plant appears small ramets, use asparagus net or Fangkuling 400-500 times, spray every 7-10 days to protect the mother stem and prevent asparagus stem blight. 3. Pile driving and rope pulling to prevent lodging: When the mother stem grows to 1.2-1.3 meters, pile driving and rope pulling should be used to fix the mother stem, and the core should be removed to prevent lodging. 4, clever fertilization and more bamboo shoots: when the branches appear after the leaves, each mu with 15-20 kg urea and 20 kg compound fertilizer into the furrow, after the harvest period every 15 days fertilization, each time 20 kg urea per mu, and stop fertilization half a month before the end of the harvest. 5. Plant cleaning and soil disinfection: according to the growth status of the mother stem, timely remove the diseased plants and mechanically damaged plants, generally change the stem once in July, and clean the mother stem after harvesting before October. And before keeping mother stem, during changing mother stem and after harvesting mother stem, disinfect soil with 2 bottles of asparagus net per mu each time.