
Control techniques of Maize smut

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Corn smut is called "ash bag" by farmers. It can occur in all growth stages of maize, harming male and female ears, male and female, stems and leaves, etc. Symptom identification the symptoms were gradually obvious before and after the bolting of corn. The affected parts grow tumors of different sizes, which are white or reddish purple at first, then turn gray, and spread black powder after rupture. All right.

Corn smut is called "ash bag" by farmers. It can occur in all growth stages of maize, harming male and female ears, male and female, stems and leaves, etc. Symptom identification the symptoms were gradually obvious before and after the bolting of corn. The affected parts grow tumors of different sizes, which are white or reddish purple at first, then turn gray, and spread black powder after rupture. Diseased male flowers and glumes often proliferate and lengthen into leaves. The difference between the symptoms of this disease and head smut is that head smut only harms the ear, but does not grow tumor, and has residual filaments like hair, while smut can damage all parts of corn plants and produce tumors without residual filaments. Control measures 1. Select disease-resistant varieties. The selection of disease-resistant varieties is the most economical and effective control method. At present, the main disease-resistant varieties are: Nongda 60, Xingkang 2 and so on. 2. Clear the source of the disease. If the tumor is found, it should be cut off as soon as possible, buried deeply or burned. After harvest, the fallen leaves of the residual plants in the field were thoroughly removed and the source of overwintering bacteria in the soil was reduced. In seriously ill fields, continuous cropping should be avoided as far as possible. 3. Seed dressing for prevention. Use 25% strychnine 200 grams per 100 jin of seeds, or 0.25 kg 50% carbendazim powder. When mixing the seeds, wet the seeds with a wet towel, and then mix the medicine. Sow seeds immediately after mixing. 4. pay attention to the agricultural operation and reduce the wound. Timely control of corn borer and other pests. Try to avoid damage to plants during field operation. 5. Remove the diseased plant in time. The symptoms of this disease are often not obvious at the seedling stage. It takes careful observation to find out. The earliest disease tumor in the field is at the base of the stem of the plant when the seedling is 3-5 leaves, when the height of the maize plant is 30 cm. The symptoms of injury in the seedling stage are distorted stem and leaf, dwarfism, leaf sheath and heart leaf rupture disorder. After pulling up, you can see that there is a diseased tumor at the base of the stem or at the junction of stem and root, and the diseased plant dies in serious cases. It should be timely combined with inter-seedling, fixed seedling, intermediate ploughing and weeding to thoroughly pull out the suspected seedlings of diseased seedlings. 6. After jointing, the tumor was mainly cut. After jointing, the symptoms became more obvious with the increase of leaf age. The diseased tumor should be removed in time.