
Tips on the cultivation of spring cabbage

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cabbage has the characteristics of low investment, labor-saving, labor-saving and high yield, so it is widely cultivated in the plain areas of our province. Baoding City perennial cultivation of early spring cold shed cabbage and open field cabbage area of more than 30,000 mu. Now, it's time to raise cabbage seedlings in early spring. In order to help you do a good job in raising seedlings and lay a foundation for this spring's bumper harvest.

Timely sowing and seedling raising is the main measure to overcome early bolting. Spring cabbage in the Yangtze River basin should be sown after late October to overwinter with smaller seedlings. If sown in September, most of the following spring will bolt and fail to form a ball. But sowing too late, overwintering seedlings are too small, although it will not bolting in advance, but the harvest time is delayed and the yield is low. In addition, cold bed or sunny bed can be used to raise seedlings, not only will not delay the harvest, but also high yield. It is suitable to set the value from late November to early December in the Yangtze River basin. Control the growth of seedlings and promote the combination of fertilizer and water. Applying delayed barnyard manure or compost as base fertilizer before setting value, and no topdressing before overwintering, which is also the key to prevent immature bolting. The growing period of spring cabbage is mainly from mid-early March to early May, which grows rapidly and its nutrient needs should be fully met. The general output of 667m2 is 2000 ~ 3 000kg.