
The causes of Cotton growing excessively and its Control methods

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The causes of Cotton growing excessively and its Control methods

China is a big cotton producing country, planted all over the country, but there is a headache for growers when planting, that is, cotton crazy growth, cotton crazy growth is an important reason affecting cotton yield. Excessive growth of leaves and branches, excessive growth of nutrients, high shedding rate of buds and bolls, and few peaches led to a sharp decline in yield. So what's the reason for the crazy growth? How should we solve this? Let's get to know each other.

I. Causes of madness

1. Partial application of nitrogen fertilizer

Cotton is a crop that needs a large amount of fertilizer. Generally, every 100kg cotton will absorb 35-40kg of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium elements. However, the demand for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is different in each growth stage. In the early stage of growth, the demand for nitrogen is relatively large, and the phosphorus and potassium elements are relatively small. In the later stage, it is the opposite. The demand for nitrogen is relatively small, and the phosphorus and potassium elements are relatively large. Therefore, attention should be paid to this point when fertilizing. However, many growers do not have a good grasp of this characteristic, and apply large amounts of nitrogen fertilizer (urea or ammonium bicarbonate) when fertilizing, resulting in excessive plant growth.

2. Improper watering

Water is an important component of cotton body. It needs to absorb water from soil when growing. Like fertility, water requirements are different at each growth stage. During the growth process, the average soil content reaches 60%-70%, and one-third of the water consumption in the whole growth period is used for transpiration. However, if too much water is poured, it will lead to excessive growth and serious greediness and late maturity.

3, planting density is too high

If the planting density is too high during planting, it will lead to hidden fields and insufficient light, resulting in weakened photosynthesis of cotton and less synthetic nutrients, resulting in excessive growth.

II. Control methods

1. Strengthen fertilizer and water management

When fertilizing, we must pay attention to the reasonable combination of various fertilizers. It is not advisable to apply excessive single fertilizer. When there is already excessive growth, we should stop applying nitrogen fertilizer, increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and then combine pruning to control the trend of excessive growth. For water must be well controlled, not too much, not too little, watering in drought, rainy to do a good job of drainage and waterlogging prevention measures, keep soil moisture content at 60%, at the end of August to stop watering, so as not to affect the yield.

2. Remove branches and leaves

When the seedlings grow excessively, the leaves and branches under the main stem can be cut off, so that the plant can reduce the nutrient supply of the roots and the plant will resume normal growth.

3. Cultivation

Can be combined with intertillage weeding, deep ploughing of the plant, destruction of part of the root system, so that the root system to absorb nutrients at a reduced rate, if serious, can be cut around the root section.

These are the reasons for cotton crazy growth and control methods. Hope to help you, want to know more about cotton planting knowledge, please pay attention to us.