
Fertilization Technology of Sorghum

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Fertilization Technology of Sorghum

Sorghum is an important economic food crop in China. It is planted in all regions. It is extremely adaptable to soil. However, it is easier to obtain high yield in higher fertility soil, while it will decrease in poor soil. So fertilization is the key point to achieve high yield in planting sorghum, so how should sorghum be fertilized? Let's take a look.

1. Fertilize according to variety characteristics

When planting, carefully observe the fertilizer requirement characteristics of varieties. For fertile varieties, completely decomposed organic fertilizer should be used as base fertilizer. More organic fertilizer or inorganic fertilizer should be applied when fertilizing. Generally, 2000 to 3000 kg organic fertilizer should be applied per mu, and topdressing should be applied 2-3 times in the whole growth process to ensure that it has sufficient fertility to grow. Urea, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied when topdressing. For varieties with low fertilizer requirements and short growth period, organic fertilizer can be applied as base fertilizer, topdressing amount and topdressing times should be less, generally topdressing once, if the base fertilizer is enough, no topdressing is required.

2. Fertilize according to soil conditions

It is preferable to plant sorghum in loose and fertile soil, but this is not the case in every area, so pay attention to the fertility and nature of the soil when fertilizing. If it is a soil with low fertility, it should be mainly organic fertilizer and phosphorus fertilizer; soil with poor water and fertility protection should be mainly topdressing, supplemented by basal fertilizer, and applied less many times each time, otherwise excessive application at one time, but poor soil fertility protection will lead to waste of fertility. If the pH value of the soil is relatively high, it will become acidic or alkaline soil, which will have certain influence on the quality and yield of sorghum. Lime nitrogen and calcium magnesium phosphorus can be applied to acidic soil during planting, while ammonium sulfate or calcium superphosphate can be applied to alkaline soil to adjust their pH value and make it neutral and suitable for sorghum growth.

3. Fertilize according to climate

Climate change will also affect sorghum growth, and fertilization is no exception, according to the climate change for fertilization, such as in early spring, the temperature is low, then appropriate to use phosphorus, potassium fertilizer to promote seed germination. In the early and middle stages of seedling growth, the climate gradually picks up and warms up. At this time, nitrogen fertilizer should be applied to promote the rapid growth of seedlings. In the late stage of growth, the temperature begins to drop again. At this time, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be sprayed on the leaves to promote maturity and improve yield and quality.

4, according to the nature of fertilizer fertilization

Fertilization to understand the role and nature of each fertilizer, sorghum rapid growth, human and animal manure, urea and other nitrogen fertilizer quick effect, suitable for use as topdressing, and organic fertilizer slow effect, phosphorus, potassium mobility is small, suitable for use as base fertilizer or seed fertilizer.

The above is the sorghum fertilization technology all content, hope to help you, want to know more sorghum planting knowledge, please pay attention to us.