
How to cultivate sugarcane seedlings?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, 1 cultivation technique of plastic film mulching of newly planted sugarcane 1.1 Fine soil preparation with cattle plough or tractor ploughing 25mur30cm to achieve two ploughs and two rakes. Then press the row spacing of 90ml / 100cm to plough or artificially plant the sugarcane ditch with a depth of 23mm / 25cm. At the same time, in order to prevent rain and stagnant water in the future, drains and ditches should be opened around the sugarcane fields.

Sugarcane seeds are small and contain few nutrients, so they can not be sown directly in the field. The sown soil needs to be loose, fertile and sterilized to kill soil germs and weed seeds. When sowing, it is appropriate to have 150 seedlings within 30 cm × 30 cm. After sowing, cover the fine soil thinly, water until wet through, and cover with film to keep warm and moisturizing. In terms of management, the indoor temperature should be kept between 30-36 ℃ on the second day after sowing and 25-30 ℃ after seed germination, and the germination was completed about 10 days after sowing. In order to keep the soil moist, water can be sprayed once every morning and afternoon in the seedling stage until the seedling height is 6-10 cm and there are 3-5 true leaves. There are generally two kinds of pseudo-planting methods: nutrient plate pseudo-planting and seedling bed pseudo-planting. Seedlings should carry soil during pseudo-planting, cut off the seedling leaf tail, and drench the root water after planting to improve the survival rate. After 25-30 days of pseudo-planting, when tillering occurs and the root system is more developed, it can be planted in the field in overcast and rainy days.