
Early prevention of wheat diseases and insect pests in spring

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Watering from the point of view of water-saving, it is recommended that wheat should be watered two times in spring. if the soil moisture is good in the normal wheat field, it can not be irrigated back to green water. The spring watering time of wheat should be in the jointing stage (from late March to early April), and the specific watering time should be watered in the heading and flowering stage (from late April to early May).

The fragrance of birds and flowers revives all things. With the rise of temperature, a variety of wheat diseases and insect pests have begun to harm and spread, directly affecting the normal growth of wheat. Seizing this favorable opportunity will not only lay a solid foundation for comprehensive control in the future, but also get twice the result with half the effort for the control of some systemic infectious diseases and seedling diseases and insect pests. According to the occurrence of diseases and insect pests in the past, it is estimated that the main wheat diseases and insect pests in Xinzheng this year are wheat sheath blight, powdery mildew, aphids, red spiders and midges. The vast number of peasant friends need to make prevention and control plans in advance. According to the relevant experts of the city's committee of agriculture, the following points should be paid attention to in the prevention and control of wheat diseases and insect pests in spring: first, chemical weeding in early spring should be paid attention to, according to the actual situation of grass condition and grass phase, the right medicament should be selected and appropriate dosage should be adopted to scientifically carry out weed control in wheat field; second, timely fertilizer and water management should be carried out to promote the early development and tillering of weak seedlings, and deep and middle tillage should be carried out in prosperous seedling fields. Third, there are many kinds of diseases and pests in wheat fields in spring, and the harm lasts for a long time. According to the index of disease and pest control, scientific application of pesticides should be carried out timely and effectively; fourth, in the middle and later stages, fungicides, insecticides, plant growth regulators or foliar fertilizers should be scientifically prepared and mixed to prevent early prevention, so as to achieve the effect of preventing diseases and pests as well as "dry and hot wind" and other natural disasters.